two peas in a pod homegrown designs

{country living fair : : fun projects for the holidays}

{photo: Country Living Fair circa 2011}

Think Halloween colors.  Or reds and greens for Christmas.

Cookie baking.


Teacher gifts.

You'll find the Farmhouse Funk, Dorm Room Diva, Schoolhouse Clutch, Patsy Ann Apron Top, and the Pocket Full of Posies Banner patterns now on sale in my shop for 50% for a LIMITED TIME!

AND if you are planning on coming to the Country Living Fair in Columbus, Ohio this weekend - well, come see me and say hello!  The fair is absolutely AHHHH - MAZING! Country Living puts on a great show and you'll meet fabulous people like: Jennifer Paganelli from Sis Boom, Cari Cucksey from Cash and Cari on HGTV heck, just check out the schedule of events right HERE! I'll be over in the Modern June booth with Kelly McCants, cutting fabric like crazy!

Happy Sewing!

: : summer sewing : :


About a month ago, I "tweeted" that I was looking for sewing bloggers who would be interested in stitching up and reviewing one of my patterns, their choice.  I am so blessed that I had some amazing bloggers take up the challenge.

Their blogs are so much more than just sewing.  They share their creations, their family stories and more and I know that you will really enjoy reading each of their blogs as much as I have.

In the coming week or so, I'll be introducing you to each one.  You can also find links to their blogs and their Two Peas pattern reviews over there in the sidebar as we update the posts.

You'll meet Mary and Virginia and Selina and Kimberly and Stacy.

Yep, real soon.


{fave crafts radio}

Are you a fan of Fave Crafts?  Let me introduce you to your next time suck...oh, it is awesome.

Packed with loads, and loads, and loads, and loads of ideas from sewing to knitting and everything you can imagine.  AND they have a great radio show, Fave Crafts Radio with Pat Sloan.

Guess who the next guest is going to be?


Excuse me while I go settle my nerves.  Breathe in.  Breathe out.  I'll be Pat's first guest next Wednesday, October 5th at 3pm EST.  You can tune in right HERE or you can download a free podcast of it from iTunes right after the show.

So what should I wear??  Thinking I should get my nails done too...just kidding!  I'm totally going to be in yoga pants and t-shirt I'm sure!

I hope you'll tune in.

I hope I don't screw up too badly.

Or say something I shouldn't.  It's LIVE.

Did I mention its a LIVE show?  Yeah, LIVE.  And I don't know if there is a delay or not so hopefully I don't say something that the FCC would ban.  I mean, I don't think it will be like a version of SEWERS GONE WILD or anything.  Um, right?  {insert uncomfortable nervous giggle}

Yes, a wee bit on the nervous side.

See you on the radio!


I'm talking sewing patterns here...just in case you thought things were about to get "X" rated around here! The Sprouts Fall 2010 Collection has arrived and will be available for wholesale beginning at Quilt Market October 30th.  Retail sales will begin early to mid November and be available in my etsy shop.  There is a little something for everyone I think.  New sewers, advanced sewers and everyone in between.  Those who like to sew for kids, themselves or friends...I hope you'll find something you can't wait to make!  I certainly enjoyed putting them all together for you.

Patterns include illustrations plus "real life" process photos to help guide you through each project.

May I introduce to you...SPROUTS, Fall 2010 Collection from Trish Preston, Two Peas in a Pod Homegrown Designs.

Can't wait to see what you all make with them!  I'll have my Flickr page updated with each pattern so you can share your projects!



Two Peas in a Pod

Sewing, planning, writing, many things to do before we launch big with our sewing pattern line.  This weekend, we had our big photo shoot with the awesome of awesomeness photographers, Britt Lakin of Britt Lakin Photography. I love Britt because it's like she gets inside my head and totally sees in my minds eye what I was dreaming for the shot.  For every single item, 16 or so, we prepped and set a "scene" for that shot.  Plus lifestyle shots to be used elsewhere for marketing, etc.  In was a lot.  It rained, we had models, here, there, in was crazy!  But fun in a great way!  Can't wait to tell you more about the great mud river and how we almost "lost" Britt to the muddy mess!  Soon, I promise!

I'll keep updating with more of our progress as we go I have a little tutorial coming as well for a quick and easy maxi dress!



Ahhh-choo! Sniff! Sniff! Oh my, a post FULL of photos!

Sorry about that!  Didn't mean to sneeze all over ya! We seem to have a bit of the crud going around here.

About every two days since right before Christmas, seems like somebody else comes down with the goop.  We've been passing around a wonderful strep bug and colds and goop and ear infections.  Yuck!  We were all doing so well for so long and then kapooey!  Down we all came - sick on Christmas day even.

Yesterday, we FINALLY got to visit with my parents for Christmas.  And I wanted to share some of my Mom's pretty decorations.  See...when we were all growing up - a house of 6 of us - we had a house that was like 2200 square feet.  Give or take.  My parents retired, all the kids left, and my parents built themselves a house that is over 4500 square feet.  Seriously?  I believe this was to hold all of my Mother's pretty little displays.  Well, look here...but be warned - VERY heavy photo post...

I bet you think I'm done right?, that's just downstairs...I grew up antiquing most weekends with my parents.  Explains why I do love vintage stuff so much.  I love this display she has with some paint gear belonging to family...

There was plenty of snuggling with the wee pea who was still sick and hanging out in her jammies.  This girl - no nap all day.  Just wouldn't.  Not a peep.  Not a tear.  Not a whine one.  Fever and all - the girl is one tough cookie and a sweet angel.  She just smiled, snuggled and played when she could all day.

And there was of course ice cream sundae's but this is all I got a photo of...

But before we left...I always tell my kids, please use the potty before we go.  It's a 2 hour drive back home.  I take my own advice and head to the potty.  And, I'm a little confused.

So I ask my Mom..."Um, Mom?  Why is one of my patterns sitting in a basket on the back of the toilet?"  I mean, this is a completely legitimate question, is it not?  My Mom's response, "I wanted to put it somewhere I could look at it".  Huh?!  Is this a compliment...I'm not quite sure.

But I do know that my Mom was quite happy with all of her gifts I gave her.  All handmade - and my favorite I think was the bag I made her and I added one of my little flower pins I made...

And I were expecting a tutorial for that little patchwork wristlet I made for the Sew, Mama, Sew giveaway...

If I didn't have a head full of snot, I would have been all over this and had this tutorial done.  Hot tea, vicks vapor rub, vitamins...I'm on it!

Next time, eh?  I'll try...

Happy New Year!!



Etsy schmetsy!

Spent the better part of um, all day, loading new stuff in to the etsy shop.  Wanna sneak peek?

Hmmm...and did I happen to mention that if you find something you can't live without over in my etsy shop and you just happen to be a blog subscriber (it's easy to do - just look over in the sidebar =>) that you'll get a little something extra in your package?  What is it you say?  That's a "new year's surprise" but I promise - you'll love it!  ok...I'll give you a little hint...Gotta get back to making dinner - the hubs has already started without me and the baby is crying because she wants more "cawk-late" - chocolate milk.  I gave her Ovaltine yesterday - wow!  I've created a monster!  She comes in, pointing at the cabinets - "cawk-late! cawk-late!".  What have I done!?

Next post - a zip top wristlet tutorial!



...and all through the garden

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the garden Not a pea was stirring, Oh, I do beg your pardon.

The tools were all hung in the barn with care,

In hopes that a new harvest soon would be there.

Our little peas were napping all snug in their beds

while visions of tomatoes, beets and pumpkins danced in their heads.

And Mama in her apron and I in my straw hat,

had just settled down with an iced tea and sat,

When out in the garden there arose such a thud,

We both sprang to our feet and ran through the mud.

Away to the barn I flew like a flash,

Tore open the doors and made a mad dash.

The sun danced upon the glistening leaves,

we looked at each other and rolled up our sleeves.

When what to our wondering eyes should appear,

But a buck and doe and two twin deer.

With a hush and wink, we stopped in our tracks,

knelt down low and and admired the bucks rack.

They were quiet and sweet

and walked softly on their feet.

They munched on some apples from the tree up above,

then the Mama gave each twin a nudge with such love.

We watched them disappear back to the forest,

and listened as the peepers sing a lovely chorus.

Our harvest has been grand, your friendship so bright,

We've been blessed beyond measure and give thanks this Christmas night.

For each of you, our dear friends far and near,

You've made 2009 such a wonderful year.

We wish you health


and much love

in the New Year!

From your friends at Two Peas in a Pod Homegrown Designs!

The Gardener and Trish and all the little peas!

It's not about the stuff...

Sarah writes on her fiancee Gregs facebook Wall: Thank you for the best 2 years of my life. I have so many wonderful memories that i am thankful for. You were everything to me, I am lost, shattered without you to make my life complete. To say you were the love of my life doesnt even scratch the surface as you were my dream come true, my fairy tale in real life and i... loved telling you and everyone else that. I am so lucky to be loved by you. Thank you, my incredible, wonderful, gorgeous Greg, thank you. I love you and always will. Sarah

The next day, she writes on her own wall:

thank you to Greg for a wonderful nights sleep wrapped in his clothes.  I wake up in the morning and before I open my eyes I just hope that when I do, he will be right next to me but it's just his clothes.

One of the wonderful Moms in my twins club sent that to me...and the story behind it that she shared with us follows below.  It moved me so and I asked her if I could share it with all of you.  At this moment, as a woman of faith, as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, it means so much to me to be reminded what the coming of Christ is all about.  This holiday isn't about the perfect gift, just the right meal, the perfect decorations - it's about something so much greater that I have a hard time wrapping my head around it sometimes.  The gift we have been given in Christ Jesus amazes me - and this story from my friend, reminds me that our lives are about our relationships, our relationships with God and with each other, a reminder that those minutes turn into memories - and that this holiday is just not about "stuff".  May you make wonderful memories this Christmas and may you be blessed beyond measure.

Here's the original email I received from Julia, my wonderful twins mom friend...

Tony worked late tonight. One of the twins was in bed at 7:20, before he'd even gotten home. I watched a little Charlie Brown Christmas with my other twin daughter, put her in bed by 8:15.

As Tony was eating his dinner, I was dozing off (I've started to catch the girl's colds)...I still had paperwork to do before hitting the hay. So, I had to snap out of my snooze. I went into the kitchen to pack 3 lunches for tomorrow. One cell phone rang, I sent it to voicemail. My Blackberry rang, ignored it (just too tired to talk). Then the home phone rang. All 3 times, it was quasi sister, next door neighbor from where I grew up. I answered. Within minutes we were crying.

Her 29 year old daughter, Sarah, has been engaged for nearly a year and to be married Febuary 6, 2010. Sarah's 28 yr old fiancee, Greg, collapsed at work last Friday.  Coroner's report stated he died of natural causes, felt no pain, and was gone before he hit the floor.

Granted - none of this information means a hill of beans to any of you.

Except when a healthy 28 year old man, part-time farmer, volunteer fire fighter, full-time employee of a farming plant collapses suddenly with no previous health conditions; he is well known in his community for his never ending, giving efforts and is head over heels in love and will be married in less than 2 months....suddenly he is gone. There are many grieving hearts here on earth, Heaven has another Angel.

This gives me another reminder to express my love and gratitude for my family and my friends (many of which, who are my family in my heart). Thank you, I love you and wish you all a blessed Christmas. Thankfully, I will see and/or talk to most of you over Christmas and/or new Year's. If I don't get to talk to you...know you have a special place in my heart.

One favor - don't just mentally love. Emotionally love, physically love and verbally express daily to your God, your children, your soulmates, your closest. Personal grudges, judgements, anger are petty and toxic emotions that close the door on the light of the Spirit.

This is email is not meant to sadden, but to enlighten.

Merry Christmas and God Bless.

Much love, Julia

I loved this because every day, EVERY dang day, toxicity can creep in so easily and I love her gentle nudging to emotionally, physically and verbally express your love.  That's my wish for you - that you find the courage to do so each day.



Loving the Liverpool

Have I ever told you about my girls and their "twinspeak"?

Having identical twins - my first born(s) - I was clueless to language development.  What should be occurring when, etc.  They were communicating.  I understood them.  I thought all was fine.

But one day, while at a doctors appointment for me, my doc said, "Hey, you should have them evaluated.  They have a speech delay."  Huh?  What the heck!  There's nothing wrong with my kids.  Well, come to find out, they had actually developed their own language - twins speak - it was so intense that it began to interfere with their academic development.  It has hindered their ability to read and comprehend.  Their articulation has been very poor.  And still, in the 3rd grade, we are working so very hard, to get them where they need to be.  I mean, they would turn to each other, say something we couldn't began to understand, the other would run upstairs and bring her sister a pair of socks.  What?!  They look at me and go, "yeah, sissy asked me to get her socks".  Seriously, crazy.  Cute at first.  Now that we have baby number 3, her language development is a night and day difference.  Way more advanced than the twins.  Who knew?  We didn't.

We have been incredibly blessed - incredibly blessed this year, with a wonderful teacher who has made more strides with our girls than any teacher ever has.  She has reached out to them and to us in a way no other teacher has.  And we are so grateful for her.

Guess what?  She sews.

Yep.  I mean, am I little biased over my enthusiasm for her because she's a fellow "seamstress"?

OK, maybe just a little (tee hee!).  But she is the most dedicated, hands on, exciting, loving teacher my kids have ever had (and we've had some wonderful teachers).

She makes loads of cute things to wear to school.  Recently she sewed up the Liverpool shirt which is a new pattern from Amy Butler (our "neighbor" here in the next town over).  I asked if she would share her experiences with the pattern with you all and she took on the challenge.  So...if you've thought about sewing this up - here's her experience with it!  Enjoy!

I recently sewed the Liverpool by Amy Butler, and I was asked to write a quick review on the pattern for this blog.  Although I have enjoyed sewing since middle school, I still consider myself at a mid-beginner’s level and the amount of projects I have done with sleeves is very limited, so the Liverpool was a definite challenge.  I tried this project because I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it.  :>)

There are several different options to the Liverpool, and I chose to sew the tunic with ¾ length sleeves.  I had a friend help me modify the pattern to ensure the proper fit, using two different sizes at different places on the tunic based on the measurements of my hips and chest.


Most of the directions were clear, but I did have to read some of the steps through several times before I felt comfortable enough to execute that step.  For example, step 7 tells you to sew the two back panels together with a French seam.  It was the first time I had done a French seam and there were no pictures illustrating this step at all.  However, I proceeded with this step even though I was very unsure.  Despite my misgivings, I found the French seam to be quite lovely when I was finished!  I will try this seam again.

Most of the difficulties that I did have would have been easier had there been a few more illustrations.  The illustrations that are in the pattern are excellent – with labels indicating sides of fabric and more.

Amount of Time

This project was definitely time consuming for me, but this may not be the case for more experienced seamstresses.  I spent about 4 days on it – working when I could on the weekends and in the evenings after work.

Fabric Choice

Upon completing my project, I was not happy with my choice of fabric. I had chosen a solid color of relatively cheap fabric for the simple fact that I wasn’t sure I would be able to complete the project.  I did not want to spend the money on designer fabric when I wasn’t sure if it would turn out.  Next time, I will chose a nicer more colorful print, which would have led a little excitement to the piece, which has simple lines and a loose fit.

Finishing Touches

Finally, I want to point out that this pattern, like other Amy Butler patterns, included some finishing touches that I have not seen in other patterns, such as the French seam mentioned earlier, and sewing the edges of the darts.  I like these additions, as I feel they make the garment more stylish and more complete.

Thanks so much Mrs. R for the review!  I love it!



Day 7...a hat for you, Angel Love Art Quilt for my Mom

First - odds were pretty good on our post for Bows and Blossoms and their wonderful giveaway for this adorable hat.

Our lovely random number generator - and Deb - this little lovely is all yours.  An email is on its way to you for your mailing address.  Thanks so much to all who entered and visited Suann at Bows and Blossoms.

Don't forget - there is still a few days left to win this from me over at Where Women Create

Second, today my plan was to do nothing.  So I wandered down to my sewing room after church today to do some nothing and got this made.  This is on its way to the winner from my Sew, Mama, Sew giveaway.

And then I got around to making my Mom her Christmas gift.  One of them at least.  I wanted to make an art quilt wall hanging.  My first attempt - I was happy with how it turned out.  I found a bag of old lace and stuff in my craft box from my high school crafting days and loved some of the vintage findings in there.  I have a whole big bag of really old lace.  So cool.

I used fabric scraps, old vintage lace, ribbon, yarn, buttons, beads and a piece of vellum.  I set it all on a piece of fusible fleece interfacing first to act as a glue for the base and then kept adding things on top.  Then I did a variety of stitches - kind of like a crazy quilt - all over the place.

For a first attempt, I'm pretty happy with it and I know my Mother will love it 'cuz she's my Mom and its like hanging my drawings on the refrigerator - she always loves what I make for her.



On the fifth day of doing nothing...

...ok, let's face it.  I'm not really doing nothing.  Ah heck, I've been crafting away.  You know how you can get on little kicks of things that are just enjoyable and you can't stop?  I believe it's referred to as an "addiction" - maybe an obsession, a persistent little nagging itch in my fingers that I can't seem to control.  If I'm not stitching - I'm thinking about what to stitch next.  When will I get my next "hit" - for serious, I think I may have a problem. On my fifth day of doing nothing...

  • I loaded a few more things in my store including these beauties that I made last night.  I have some set aside for Christmas gifts.  I took roughly 18 of them...I know, I know...that means I've made a few more than 20 of these things in the last couple of days...I took them up to the little shop in town where our art guild displays for sale items.
  • I shopped etsy for some great little doll clothes for the two peas.  I bought several things here.  Prices were fantastic.  And being tight on money this season - this little matching girl / doll set fit the bill perfectly.
  • I also bought this for only $5!   Elvis!  Are you kidding me?!  How original!  I love it!
  • And then the littlest pea and I made a run into town to get gloves.

  • After the glove run, littlest pea took a nap and I finished making up these gloves and stitching flowers.
  • My big peas returned from school and we promptly jumped in the car and headed in to town to meet Suann because we were taking a few more things into the shop.
  • We set up.  Peas got a sandwich and a cup of the best hot chocolate on the planet.  Little pea and I shared a bagel and then went home.

And then...after everyone went to bed...I got a hankering to play around some more with those upcycled sweater cuffs.  I've sold  more than a dozen of these up in town this week already, very popular.  Anyway...I created some, well, can we call them "creatures"?

And here it is, well after midnight and I'm blogging.

That's my day 5 of nothingness.  Not really so nothing - other than the fact I'm not doing housework.  My kitchen - which is the size of a shoebox - looks like it hasn't been cleaned it in a month.  It's only been a day - but with next to no countertops - boy, it looks bad fast.

Some fun plans this weekend to celebrate my fathers birthday.  So very thankful to be doing that - my Dad had a heart attack back in July and had to have a stint put in.  The doctor said he was in great shape as my Dad, at 77 years old, still works out at the gym and is amazing.  You'd think he was more like 57.  But, your body just starts to wear out - whether you work out, eat right or not.  Bummer.  But he's doing really well and I am so thankful, thankful, thankful that he's my Dad and that I have this day to spend with him.  He's a super guy, my Dad.  A retired Irish mechanical engineer who loves boats, the Buckeyes and anything old (My Mom :>) and antiques).  He is kind, and generous, and soft spoken, and attentive and loving, and thoughtful.

And because I can not WAIT to give my sister and sister in law their Christmas gifts - chances are, I may give them their gifts tomorrow!  I made them clutches and few other baubles.  I just can't wait!!  I have no patience!

Where Women Create have extended their giveaways - yea!  Amazing stuff over there - find me on Day 4!  Go comment and maybe you'll win something.  And Sunday - we will be giving away this cute little hat. Real good odds at the moment!  Go see for yourself!

Ahh...on to day 6 and 7 of my "doing nothing before Christmas".




Day three just blended right into day four...still, trying for nothing

Day three just blended right into day four of my tour of nothingness before Christmas.  Here's what I'm liking best - I have time to craft for ME!  I have time to try new things - like these flowers I've been eyeing.  Love the vintage look of them and now that I practiced making a few - everyone on my Christmas list will be getting one as a hair pin or a corsage.  Ok, not everyone.  Like, I'm sure my husband wouldn't care for one although he did help me figure out the process for making these beauties.  I know my sister reads and yes...I have one for you too!  Can't wait to give it to you!

And thus day three...

  • I went to work at my big university job.  It's finals week and I've seen some mighty stressed out students this week.  One even cried after sitting down after just a minute...lack of sleep and the pending reality of the "real world" will do that to ya.  Remember those days?
  • I had to stop at the grocery for a few staples before going home.
  • And then hugs and kisses to all as the peas were all headed to bed.

And then I was able to start crafting these precious blooms

Day four isn't even done yet but I can tell you, work, work.

Tomorrow, a meeting with Suann and laundry on the to do list.

Might actually need to do some Christmas shopping for the kids too.

I have some cash finally from my craft shows so I can get them a few things.  This year, things are quite tight.  Will do my best to make it special for them.  They are easy to please and I'm a pretty thrifty shopper.  I do have one big surprise up my sleeve.  Maybe two.  Lots of handmade goodies will be under the tree.  Maybe a few thrifted items but things they will love.  The greatest gift has already been given to us.

Snow fell beautifully outside my office window today.  I think we shall have a white Christmas.  Yippee!

Listening to the "MercyMe Christmas" station on Pandora - very good.  I love Steven Curtis Chapman's version of Away In a Manger.  What miracles came to us that day - and continue to swirl around us each day.

Day five...I'm beginning to like doing nothing.  (but I do have a deadline still for submitting pattern text for the magazine feature...that's hardly a chore)

Wishing you a wonderful nothing kind of day.  What do you have planned for this weekend?  What are you crafting up for the holidays for gifts?  (I did just get a few blooms listed to my etsy  shop - I have MANY more, I just get tired of listing them!)




Day two of the 14 Days of Doing Nothing Before Christmas...

Day Two...

  • Took kids to school
  • Stopped at coffeehouse to pick up owl pin for teachers who placed orders.  Did I happen to mention my kids are selling these and giving a dollar from each one sold to our Childrens Hospital.  Would you like one?  Leave us a comment if so...they are handpainted by the "two peas" themselves.

  • Blogged.  Loaded items to etsy store.
  • Watched TV...see that's "nothing"!
  • Washed all the bedding from all 5 beds and changed all the bedding.
  • Cleaned house and watched more TV.
  • Stitched more wrist cuffs / coffee cup cozies after kids went to bed.  I'm mostly just enjoying stitching.  What is it about the blanket stitch that makes you want to go on and on and on and's fun isn't it?

And just a reminder of our giveaways here and here.  A wonderful little girls hat from Bows and Blossoms and an entire package of goodies from me including a bag and other fun things!

How's your day going?  What are you doing to get ready for Christmas?  What are you giving as teacher gifts?  I could use some more ideas for the end of year...

I think I'll go watch birds in the backyard for awhile and thank God for days I can stop and just be quiet in the moment.



Day one of my 14 Days of Doing Nothing Before Christmas...

On the 1st day of my 14 Days of Doing Nothing Before true love gave to me...a plate of chicken and stuffing. Ok, not what you were expecting.  But my hubby did make dinner last night and it was pretty good.  And if you recall, he asked me to try and not do "anything" for 14 days.  He wanted me to just relax with no deadlines or rushing around or delivering orders or whatever...I thought I'd blog about my 14 days to see how good I do.

On day 1:

  • Took the kids to school
  • Stopped at the coffeehouse where our art guild displays for sale items and set up my display.
  • Stopped at Starbucks for a pumpkin spice latte - Venti size.  Had to do it.  It fills my tummy with happiness.
  • Stopped at McD's for a yogurt parfait and fed it to the baby.
  • Took care of business for our rental property.  Of which I wish would be struck by lightening and burn to the ground.  Long story - someday I'll share that "brilliant" business idea of mine of buying this place so I wouldn't have to work full time.  Brilliant...not so much.
  • Stopped at thrift store.  Bought 4 sweaters to make this

  • Went home.  Ate lunch. Made 12 of these upcycled wrist cuffs / coffeecup cozies.
  • Went to work at my "office on campus" for 4 hours.
  • Home.  Baby in bath and to bed.
  • Made 16 more wrist cuffs / coffeecup cozies.

I think I may have a problem.  That was only day 1.  I mean, there weren't any BIG projects in there.

And I did find this at the thrift store.

This is a Pendleton Vintage wool coat with a real rabbit fur collar.  In the thrift store.  It's in like new condition.  Crazy.  Just beautiful.

I wore it this morning but someone told me they thought it was worth a lot of money.  Is it?  It's really cute.  But I could sure use some Christmas money so I'm going to list it on ebay and see what happens.  I'll keep you posted.

I'll be back with "Day Two" tomorrow.  So far today - I'm doing much better at doing "nothing".  (wink! yeah, right!)

And these little wrist cuffs / coffeecup cozies - these along with a gift card to your local coffeehouse would make a super teacher gift or for a friend, etc.

And I'm going to list some over in my etsy store shortly for $2 plus $1 shipping.  A few more complicated ones will be $3.

DON'T FORGET!!  Go here to the previous post and leave a comment to win this adorable bucket hat from Bows and Blossoms.  AND you can still enter to win a purse, ipod accessory bag, owl pin and pattern from me over at Where Women Create until December 14th.

How's your day going so far?  Hope it's a good one!



The 12 Days of Christmas...

We are in give away heaven here...scroll down below to enter the Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway and don't forget to stop by over at Where Women Create on December 4th - you'll find a great prize package over there from our studio - heck, visit all 12 days because there are LOADS of wonderful things being gifted there.



Don't be shy...come on in and welcome to Two Peas in a Pod Homegrown Designs

I'm so glad you stopped in with us today.  We've been expecting you! Today is start of the the Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day.  I'm so excited to participate in such a fun event.  All over blogland, you'll find loads of super talented women and lots of fantastic goodies.  Just hop over to the Sew, Mama, Sew blog to find the complete list of who is participating.  WAIT!  Not yet!  Don't go just yet...let me introduce myself first.

In anticipation of lots of new visitors - I wanted to say hello properly.  My name is Trish Preston and I'm the designer and owner of Two Peas in a Pod Homegrown Designs.

Our name is derived from our two sweet peas, our identical twin girls.  (although recently we've added a third pea whom we all love on constantly!)

Back BC (Before Children), I worked as a Park Ranger.  And spent several years as a Deputy Sheriff.  Now, I spend my days working at one of the largest universities in the country working in student services helping these talented kids find green careers.  And I sew a whole heck of a lot on the side plus design patterns and textile prints, paint, and...whew!

The Gardener, aka, my husband, is a Park Ranger and we have the pleasure of living out in the country with the view of the ridgeline of the park he works at visible from our back porch.  (as I type this however, he is out sitting in his tree stand just beyond our pasture - it's hunting season here).

I've been crafting most of my life and am lucky to come from a family full of artists and crafters.  My two girls have a true natural talent in art and I'm enjoying watching them develop their talents with each passing day.

Well, that's us in a nutshell.  How about you?  Please do introduce yourselves as well.

So...on to this giveaway stuff!  I am offering up this holiday season, a cute little zip top accessory bag with a rhinestone buckle

AND one of my new patterns, the Hazel Hipster pattern.  She makes a cute little bag that would be a great gift for someone on your list.  (if you're feeling anxious about having a copy of this pattern - you can find them here.

To win these two items, all you have to do is leave me a comment and tell me, what is the most unexpected thing we might find currently in YOUR purse. Keep in mind of course, this is a family blog so keep it clean everyone!  I am happy to ship internationally so all our Aussie, UK, and friends from all around the world - do join us!

I went and looked in mine and I found...a Littlest Pet Shop horse and a spoon from our kitchen.  Don't ask.

Want more fun giveaways?  The wonderful ladies over at the Where Women Create magazine are featuring a 12 Days of Christmas giveaway.  

They are featuring 12 different artists for each of the 12 Days of Christmas.  I was so honored to be asked to be a part of their promotion.  You'll find Two Peas in a Pod Homegrown Designs being featured on Day 4.

I love the holiday season, don't you?!  Too much fun stuff going on!

Hope you enjoyed your visit here and I sure do appreciate you stopping in.  It was a pleasure to meet you.  Hope you'll bookmark us, subscribe, and come back often.  :>)

Good Luck and Happy Blog Hopping!




Sewin' with my hands tied...

...well, not exactly tied, but let's say very full.  Here's where being a twins Mom comes in handy.  I have a plethora of experience of doing things one handed or no handed and gettin' stuff done.

I'm often asked, "How on earth do you do all that you do?!".  And my answer is...I do not know.  For serious.  For one, I have a super helpful husband who cooks dinner without being asked, cleans my kitchen, um, quite frequently, and spends a whole heck of a lot of time with our kids.  The rest of my house...yeah, that...not so much organized, or clean.  As my Mother said last week when she was here helping, "your house is clean...underneath all the stuff that's laying around".  You know, the 7...oh yes ladies, SEVEN tubs of clean laundry in my bedroom that are folded but not put away.  Yeah, that's "how on earth I do all that I do" (wink! wink!).  It's called, just shut the door when company comes and hide the messes.

SOOOOO....I was prepping for this "craft show" on of my first.  And prepping lots of product and conferring with SuAnn, a fellow crafter who teams up with me frequently on events, and giving myself a serious ulcer in trying to get EVERYTHING done.  Let me backtrack...

Thursday before this event, I had the GREAT idea that we should go to the Zoo for the Wildlights preview night for zoo members.  (I HEART our Columbus Zoo!)  It was a school night, sort of raining and I thought, nobody will be there.  This will be great!  Um, apparently, EVERYONE else had this exact same thought because it was wall to wall people.  Kind of a bummer.  We got our photo taken with Santa.  Well, little pea is barely in the frame as she has this terrified look on her face and is trying to escape.  You can see my hands in the picture holding her back trying to get her to stay next to her sister for a quick photo.  I love it!  It's so funny!  Traumatic for her?  Oh, maybe slightly :>)  No!!  I'm just kidding!  She was fine so long as Santa was a good 10' away or so...close up, not so much.

Many people that night left their manners at home.  That was a bummer too.  Case in point.  We went in to sit with our little ones and eat some packed dinner as well as a couple of things we bought there.  No tables.  Packed.  One table was getting up to leave and we went over and asked to have their table.  They were very nice, said yes, and we sat our two older kids down and then some grown adult, his wife, and their 3 teenage children came over and LITERALLY took the seat out from under me and my husband and said they were sitting there.  I was dumbfounded.  What do you say?  This guy was clearly a jerk.  He's teenage daughter said, Ma'am, would you like this seat?  She saw what her Dad had done but I was too ticked.  I said no thank you and we stood behind our kids and just took care of them.  I can only imagine what must be going on in this guys life for him to think that he would bully some woman with a baby in stroller and two small children for a table.  Really?  But you know what?  Coming home in the car, for as much as my husband and I were "not happy" about our experience, our kids were talking about how they got to touch a sea star, see a shark, and they loved the "real" toy soldier that was marching around and posing for photos.  They didn't even notice it was crowded or the bad manners from others.

They just knew they got to go to the zoo on a school night and see the lights.  That made all my anger go away...they are such good kids.  With no prompting they both said, "thank you for taking us to the zoo".

Spending time with family comes first but that also meant my window for prepping was smaller.  But get it done, we did!  And here it is...

Well...that's pretty much it for this post.  I'm mush brain with thoughts of turkey and family all coming here for four days and...did I mention my house is a mess?  Oh, I must go start loading up bins and hiding my mess!  Happy Turkey week...

ps Up for a giveaway?  Kaye over at Miss Print is giving away a Hazel Hipster pattern...and her blog is fabulous.  Go check her out and follow her adventures.  You'll be glad you did!

