Where do I begin? So much I want to share with you but so little time! The girls enjoyed a great spring break last week and if you were following me on Twitter you know we headed out to the zoo...in the snow. I love working at the largest university in the country - gives me a chance to network with loads of people and luckily, one of our alumni board members is a keeper at the Columbus Zoo SO, she was wonderful enough to give my girls a behind the scenes tour. We got to see exactly what she does to care for the animals and a chance to see a grizzly bear, 2 alaskan brown bears and a cougar very close! So cool! No photos to share of that as we were not allowed to take any in the back areas but...check this out!
This is the cafe at the zoo. See anybody else there? That's right...when it's 20' windchill and snowing - NOBODY goes to the zoo. We saw two other people there all day.
Here's the girls in the "jungle" with a researcher! Ha!
And some cool looking birds we saw in one of the aviarys...where it was WARM.

The flamingos were out...

The manatees and sea turtle at the aquarium section...

And so on to Easter...we went to my parents house which was fun. The girls got these really cool little jackets for their American Girls from the sewing room of the easter bunny, aka The Doll Closet on etsy. Really cute!
And they had a blast! I have to say, they looked BE-AU-TI-FUL in their easter dresses. They turned out really well, if I do say so myself! I got the pattern for these from PinkFig. I used the Lily pattern and had to adjust some because my girls are a size 8 and the pattern only went up to a size 7. I added some extras on the ruffle, etc. They LOVED them! If you are looking for an easy EASY to use pattern line - PinkFig is it!

OK, so I never did get them to stand very still for a photo but here's a few portfolio shots...you get the idea!

And then...I've had quite a few orders for dresses lately. I have some already listed on my etsy page. But here's a peek at a few..

And matching ponytail ribbon explosion thingy whatevers on their way to etsy soon...here's a peek at just one of them...

Does the baby look happy here? Poor thing! Her sisters love her TOO much! Well, lots of photos, not too much text. Since Easter (yesterday) one of the peas has been diagnosed with whooping cough. She doesn't look sick does she? Exactly why we had no idea...since all she had was a nagging cough. Our AWESOME doctor caught it and well, things are now quite hectic in our house so I'll be back next week with an entry about handmade stuff! (I noticed at my Moms, my sisters - dang! I make a LOT of stuff cuz it's all over their house from paintings to placemats! More on that next week!)
I'll leave you with one last little cutie - my baby's first Easter. Next week she celebrates her first birthday. A very special little day. She was born on April 25th - the same day as my oldest sister. My oldest sister died when she was 15 from complications from mono. My baby being born on her birthday was quite special.
God bless - hope everyone had a wonderful Easter holiday! Ciao, xo Trish

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