Where Women Create

the 12 days of christmas {where women create style}

Oh how I love this time of year.




The fabulous ladies at Where Women Create asked me to participate again this year in their 12 Days of Christmas celebration.  You guys, this is so much fun!  For 12 days, there are 48 crafty ladies who are giving away LOADS of goodies.  No hoops - just leave a comment - each of the 12 days to be entered to win some serious loot!

What I love about this is "meeting" so many talented artists via their introductions and posts.

As an added tiny bonus to my giveaway over at the Where Women Create blog, I have another little treat.

I have a couple of extra magazines - the STITCH Fall 2011 issue that featured one of my patterns and a Spring 2011 Sew Hip issue with a Two Peas feature.  I'd love to share those with a couple of you.  Simply leave a comment here and I'll pick 2 of you and send off these issues for you to enjoy.  Guess what else?  I'm going to add in with the magazines a cute little zip pouch from my stash!  What you get will be a surprise but I promise you'll love it!

12 Days of Christmas - love it!  Hop over to Where Women Create everyday starting TODAY through December 12th for their giveaways.

And then Leave a comment here to be entered for the zip pouches and magazines (2 winners) and I'll leave this giveaway open until December 12th.  I'll pick 2 winners and announce them on December 13th!  Have fun and Happy Holidays!  THIS GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED

Please excuse my jaw dragging on the floor

For real.  Because everytime I peer into the Where Women Create magazine, blog, etc, my jaw drops.

I love seeing the amazing spaces of all these talented women.

Where Women Create, Inspiring Work Spaces of Extraordinary Women, is a magazine created by Jo Packham and published by Stampington & Company.

I'm blessed enough to count the wonderful ladies at Where Women Create my friends.  Coming this September, they are putting on one heck of shindig.  Painting, sewing, felting, jewelry making...I love the little teacup pincushions Betz White is making.  The vintage tree toppers - are they cute or what?  I SO want to learn how to paint one of these too!  Love this journal, would be so cute to keep baby stories in.

Did I just totally get off subject?  I got distracted by the mention of sewing, painting, projects...ok, I'm back.

THIS SEPTEMBER as I was saying, Where Women Create is putting on this awesome event called The Creative Connection.  It promises to be the best time ever.  You gotta check out the class schedule.  I could spend a week there sewing up a storm with all those great people in one place at one time!

In celebration of my birthday week, Where Women Create is giving one of you this nice surprise!  Where Women Create, the book...AND

And this cute bookmark to go along with it.

Random.org will choose the winner next week, deadline to enter is March 31st at midnight.  To win this offering from Where Women Create, leave a comment for any or all of these:

1)  Become a follower at the Where Women Create blog

2) Add a Where Women Create button to your blog

3) Add The Creative Connection button to your blog

4) Tweet about this giveaway

Thanks everyone for celebrating with me this week!  Hope you enjoyed my birthday as much as I did!  Don't forget you have until next week to enter all of the giveaways from this week, just scroll back to find the posts from the last 3 days.



...and the winner is...wait, more free stuff? Oh yeah baby!

How can I ever thank you all enough for joining in with us for all the fun at the Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway.

What a blast to meet all of you - and I NOW don't feel like a total geek.  You all are just as crazy and weird as me based on what you are carrying around in your purses.  I feel right at home with you guys!  Ok, most of you.  A kidney stone?  underwear?  a hammer?  There are a few of you - I'm just sayin, you might want to clean out your bags a bit more frequently.

Wonderful Mr. Random Number Generator came up with #288.  Ms. "M" - on December 2nd at 10:43am - an email has been sent to you requesting your mailing address.  You my dear, are the lucky winner.

But wait...we're on a roll here.

Remember I shared that this weekend was C.R.A.Z.Y because my friend Suann and I were doing the marathon of craft shows for the holidays?  We are totally pooped.  And...we are celebrating that our busy season is done with more fun things just for you.

FIRST - Suann, from Bows and Blossoms is introducing a new line of the most adorable bucket hats that are fleece lined.  Perfect to wear on a cold day AND stylish to the hilt!  Love them!  Suann has agreed to give this one away to all of you just for being, well, YOU!  It's made out of sweet little brown cordoroy with pink dots and this wonderful pink blossom adorns it.  Here's what you have to do to win this cute little thing.

Visit Suann at Bows and Blossoms.  Come back here and leave us a comment and tell us your favorite item you found over there and why you like it.  Suann would love to know what you think about her products as she works on trying her hand at some new things - like these hats. (and for serious - you will not find this kind of quality at this price anywhere - and she's offering FREE SHIPPING right now if you happen to find some other goodies you can't live without!)

We will leave the Bows and Blossoms giveaway open until Sunday, December 13th at 8pm EST and then use the random number generator to pick a winner for this adorable hat.

SECOND - to also celebrate the end of year and all our crazy crafting we've done this year - I'm having a sale over on my etsy site.  Keep checking because I will be adding more and more and more stuff at great sale prices - perfect for Christmas giving.  Or just for yourself because gosh darn it - you deserve it, don't ya?!

I'll be posting my schedule for my sewing classes for January and February here soon.

And my husband, the gardener, has requested that for two whole weeks, I schedule nothing.  No deadlines, no projects, no orders - no nothing.  He said he wants me to actually relax for two whole weeks.  I'm not sure how I'll do it.  I'll probably sneak downstairs during babys naptime and while he's at work and start plotting my next projects...I find it almost impossible to do "nothing" for more than a few days.  But, I'll try :>)

I wanted to again, tell you how blessed I feel to have "met" so many new "friends" in this crafty online community - and I'm so very thankful you visit with us here.  I learn from you, am inspired by you, encouraged by you and appreciate you more than I can express.  Thank you.

Don't forget, you have until December 14th to enter the Where Women Create Giveaway (I'm the Day 4 feature!) and there are so many fantastic prizes you can win over there.  You must stop by!

I think I will go take a hot bath and ponder my "nothing" schedule for the week...wish me luck on actually doing "nothing" :>)  Yeah, right!?!



The 12 Days of Christmas...

We are in give away heaven here...scroll down below to enter the Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway and don't forget to stop by over at Where Women Create on December 4th - you'll find a great prize package over there from our studio - heck, visit all 12 days because there are LOADS of wonderful things being gifted there.



Don't be shy...come on in and welcome to Two Peas in a Pod Homegrown Designs

I'm so glad you stopped in with us today.  We've been expecting you! Today is start of the the Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day.  I'm so excited to participate in such a fun event.  All over blogland, you'll find loads of super talented women and lots of fantastic goodies.  Just hop over to the Sew, Mama, Sew blog to find the complete list of who is participating.  WAIT!  Not yet!  Don't go just yet...let me introduce myself first.

In anticipation of lots of new visitors - I wanted to say hello properly.  My name is Trish Preston and I'm the designer and owner of Two Peas in a Pod Homegrown Designs.

Our name is derived from our two sweet peas, our identical twin girls.  (although recently we've added a third pea whom we all love on constantly!)

Back BC (Before Children), I worked as a Park Ranger.  And spent several years as a Deputy Sheriff.  Now, I spend my days working at one of the largest universities in the country working in student services helping these talented kids find green careers.  And I sew a whole heck of a lot on the side plus design patterns and textile prints, paint, and...whew!

The Gardener, aka, my husband, is a Park Ranger and we have the pleasure of living out in the country with the view of the ridgeline of the park he works at visible from our back porch.  (as I type this however, he is out sitting in his tree stand just beyond our pasture - it's hunting season here).

I've been crafting most of my life and am lucky to come from a family full of artists and crafters.  My two girls have a true natural talent in art and I'm enjoying watching them develop their talents with each passing day.

Well, that's us in a nutshell.  How about you?  Please do introduce yourselves as well.

So...on to this giveaway stuff!  I am offering up this holiday season, a cute little zip top accessory bag with a rhinestone buckle

AND one of my new patterns, the Hazel Hipster pattern.  She makes a cute little bag that would be a great gift for someone on your list.  (if you're feeling anxious about having a copy of this pattern - you can find them here.

To win these two items, all you have to do is leave me a comment and tell me, what is the most unexpected thing we might find currently in YOUR purse. Keep in mind of course, this is a family blog so keep it clean everyone!  I am happy to ship internationally so all our Aussie, UK, and friends from all around the world - do join us!

I went and looked in mine and I found...a Littlest Pet Shop horse and a spoon from our kitchen.  Don't ask.

Want more fun giveaways?  The wonderful ladies over at the Where Women Create magazine are featuring a 12 Days of Christmas giveaway.  

They are featuring 12 different artists for each of the 12 Days of Christmas.  I was so honored to be asked to be a part of their promotion.  You'll find Two Peas in a Pod Homegrown Designs being featured on Day 4.

I love the holiday season, don't you?!  Too much fun stuff going on!

Hope you enjoyed your visit here and I sure do appreciate you stopping in.  It was a pleasure to meet you.  Hope you'll bookmark us, subscribe, and come back often.  :>)

Good Luck and Happy Blog Hopping!

