It’s been on my to-do list, honest it has. I meant to update my blog. I meant to get on here and announce the July giveaway winner. Really. I did. But, well, it’s just that school starts soon. And I know, I often hint at the fact that I can not wait for that day to come because, I’m about to lose my mind BUT…I will miss them, honest.
So, the two peas, wee one and me, we’ve been hangin’ at the pool, spent a day over at our most “awesomeness” zoo and now, the two peas are doing their rounds with my family. I heard today that they went to the waterpark and an Indian mound, tomorrow a different waterpark and a trip to the putt-putt course my niece works at…sounds like a great “last hurrah” before school starts.
While they have been gone, all of 24 hours now, I have sorted their play “nook”. Our house is really tiny so they don’t have a play room, just a corner. I gathered enough garbage out of that wee little corner to fill our entire kitchen size trash can. Tomorrow, my boss was kind enough to let me take a last minute vacation day so I could maximize on their absentness and continue with the purge – moving on to their room. Feels rather nice to finally have at least a few rooms of my house, cleaned out and well, finally actually, clean. See, when it’s summer time, our house isn’t clean. Ever. Seriously, I’m working, the hubby is working, we play as much as we can and the house, well, it kind of falls apart over these few months. So, I’m looking forward to getting some order back around here in time for school to start.
We last left off here chatting about pillowcases for our troops, right? Ah yes! So, I got some great brown flannel with white polka dots and then I thought, it’s kind of hot over there. Flannel? Maybe not so much. I’ll have to see what cottons I have in my stash. Anyway, ladies, here it is. A great little pillowcase tutorial offered up by “Little Birdie Secrets”. Super simple and looks fantastic when you’re done. I mentioned an article I read about a foundation that was collecting such things. You’ll find them here at Operation Bedding. Or maybe you have a family member or friend who is serving you’d like to send your cases off to. Make ‘em up, send ‘em out and then share your photos and a shout out to who your pillowcases went to here. In the comments section, leave your comment and a link back to your blog or site to share your completed projects. I’d love to especially see who they are going to, first names or whatever so we can remember these very special folks in our prayers and ask for their protection and safe return.

More fun things to share with you! I’m going to be offering some sewing classes! Yahoo! What fun! If you are local to Columbus Ohio – we’d love to have you. The “Two Peas Sewing Bee” is a series of beginners classes. 3 classes offered September 10th, October 8th and November 5th. The first class we will be doing a bunch of easy quick projects – projects to help you get more familiar with your machine and build your confidence. They are also great projects for you to replicate again and again for Christmas gifts (you know, Christmas is coming sooner than you think!) The second class, we will be making a cute little skirt and doing an appliqué on a t-shirt. Our third class, we will be making one of my

easy peasy little hipster bags. You can sign up for one or all three classes but you have to hurry because we only have 6 seats for this class. If you’re local and interested, email me at twopeasinapoddesigns at for registration information.
Thanks so much to my uber Mom friend Barb, who is allowing me to offer this class in her uber cool craft studio where she hosts her “Stampin’ Up” classes. Love ya Barb! You’ll love her craft studio – I could get lost in there and craft for weeks!!! So much fun stuff – if ever I need anything on a moments notice, I call her!
And here’s the best part about “The Two Peas Sewing Bee”… has been kind enough to offer a 10% discount to my registered students to get your supplies. LOVE Those ladies have THE best service ever! I swear – I place an order and from Washington state to Ohio, I get my fabrics within 2-3 days. Very fast service! They are just wonderful to deal with and when you log on to their page, always check the right hand column because they always have something on sale and a coupon code posted there. Love them! (Thanks Heidi!) I have other favorites too but I’m a big fan of theirs, for sure.
I finally, finally, am nearing the point of getting ready to release a few patterns of my own. I have a product photo shoot later this week and hopefully before the end of Fall, I will have something ready to go. Local at first, and for use in my class, but I’ll probably offer them up on etsy and my dot com later on.
And last but not least. My monthly giveaway. Crystal, my dear twins mommy blogger friend – your bags WILL come, I promise. And for July, a little mini notebook cover – goes to…drum roll please and a random drawing courtesy of whatever the wee one pulls out of the hat, “vallovesherboys”. Sweet! I’ll be sending this little book ‘o’ love your way soon. For August, a stash of fabric for you, cut and ready to cut to make your own pillowcase. Free fabric – what could be better!
So, signing off to go do some more cleaning while I can! How good it feels to purge!! And did I mention? The “homegrown” of our name – well, really enjoying it at the moment. The gardener has done well this year. I picked 30 yellow and red tomatoes today and a huge bowl of cherry and grape tomatoes. To die for, seriously! Any ideas how to preserve them? I heard I should freeze them whole to use in sauces later. Any other ideas? I could hardly hold the baby back while I picked, she was eating them so fast – all that acid, not so good on her bum. I had to block her from getting into the vines and she was getting so mad :>) Just like her sisters! The two peas eat tomatoes whole, like an apple, love ‘em! Hope you’re enjoying your harvest too!
Xoxo, Trish