I complain a lot here don't I? I am SO glad you all are out there and just let me unload my woes. Yeah, seriously. I'm taking the day off of work tomorrow to clean house. The MIL is coming to hang with the little one so I can zoom around and sort through junk that has been deposited...well, everywhere in my house so I can put some order in place. And quite frankly, I'm looking forward to it. Really. I mean it. I have a lot to look forward to this Spring and a good place to start is an organized house. I have 4 bins of clothes and 2 bins of junk to go through and I can say...I am done. I have gone through every closet, corner, nook and all of our house. Started when I was pregnant...ah, in the fall of 2007. Sprout is 9 months...I'd say I was fairly efficient, right?
Don't laugh! I hear you snickering out there...you got junk laying around too, don't you? Come on, you all email me on the sly and nobody ever wants to comment out in the open but hey, don't be shy. You can own up to it. Makes us all feel better to know we are not, gasp, perfect.
Anyway, still have some major cabin fever going on. The kids are back in school..and guess what, they have Friday off! Let's see, snow day, snow day, snow day...oh yes, let's have another day off. I don't even know why they have it off but I for one, am headed off to our local science museum where we have a membership with the girls. I can't take not even ONE more day in the house with them and their - oh I hate to admit this - crafting everywhere.
What have I done? My little designers...they each made a quilt this week. With scraps. And a lot of glue. A LOT of glue. Once they dried, cute...and they put their new quilts on their sock monkeys (see sock monkey post) you should see the mess they left behind. Now, they'll clean it as best they can but really, right now, my nerves are just frayed. I'm crazy anxious about this whole - sewing industry leap - I'm about to take and...I don't know. Is it just me? Am I over sensitive? Oh whatever! :>)
I did get out on Sunday. 
Sprout took her first whirl around the park in the backpack. Check out the thumb in the mouth. Her top tooth just cut through that day. We all enjoyed the sun although the trails were covered in ice so not so good for hiking. It just felt good to get out. And who would have guessed that it would 45' and everybody would be running around town with their car windows down and no coats. Does that tell you how much we've become accustomed to subzero temperatures. The 40's and we are all..."it's like Spring!".
And Thursday, I'm off to a meet and greet with Amy Butler. Like a stupid starstruck fan, I'm packing my camera along for sure. My husbands aunt invited me - she's a buyer with the Limited brands. She travels ALL the time to Paris, Rome, New York, Milan, etc for Limited in the textile industry and she's been trying to find me some connections to get my fabric line looked at. So, she invited me to this little event and I'm really very excited and also nervous. Will I get to talk to her? If I do, what do I say? "Ahh, hi. I wanna be just like you." No, that's stupid. True, but stupid. I'll just carry my bag I designed made with her fabrics and stare, I'm sure. Listen, hope to glean off some secrets that will help motivate me to move MOVE MOVE these fabric patterns off to the testers and off the printers. I just feel like I'm paralyzed though. As long as I don't move, nobody has said no yet. This is the whole anxiety thing. See what I mean?
I'll end with this - there are much greater things in this life to fret over than a messy house and my nerves over my artwork. My dear friend Kris, from LivyMarie handbags - you hear me chat about her once in awhile with her 5 kids she homeschools? Well, her husband is having some heart issues and having surgery tomorrow morning. Please lift them up in prayer as you read this.
Along with that, we have a local twins family who had their sweet peas born much too early. They have been in the NICU and I made some quilts and hats for them last week. My peas will deliver them next week and I'll share a photo later. Please lift them in prayer. Visit their journal and send them warm happy thoughts of the life to come for their family.
4:17pm. I was going to leave the office today at 2:30 so I could work on some orders. 4:17pm. Ugh.
Aprons are the hit lately...here's some more on their way to Morroco (is that how you spell it) to travelinmama who bought these on my etsy site. She does some seriously cute paper crafts! And I hope her little one likes the american girl set.
NOW I'm really, seriously, really...no I mean really, going home. Really. Seriously.
Slan Leat, (a new one for me - goodbye in gaelic - a little nod to my Irish father)