sewing giveaway

Patty Young - Giveaway Winner

Family it is for all of us. Pardon my slow as a snail updates as I've been snuggling away with Sprout and my other girls, giving them my attention during an unusually very busy work week. Later today (or maybe tomorrow as I'm about to go do some nap time sewing!) my Monday Mornings Inspiration post will be up. You'll love meeting Sarah from Sarah B Designs!

And the winner from last weeks post with Patty Young, #24 - TriciaLee! (I'll be emailing you shortly)

xoxo, Trish

I have the pleasure of calling today's featured artist a friend and mentor.  Patty Young is a very talented designer with a heart as big as the sun.  She has been a wonderful mentor to me as I've started my Two Peas business offering me advice, counsel and friendship.  She and her husband Jon make an amazing team and have been a great inspiration to our family.

She is truly a fabulous, genuine talent.  Say Good Morning to Patty Young...

Since the feature is called Monday Mornings Inspiration, can you tell me what inspired you to a career in art and design? I have always been "artsy" for as long as I can remember. When I was little, I took as many private art classes as I could and many times I'd get in trouble at school for doodling on my notebooks or on the desks.  I chose Fine Arts as my major when I got accepted to college and luckily, my parents supported me all the way (even though we all feared it would be a tough life!).

After graduating with a BFA in Photography and Graphic Design, I worked for about 15 years in the Marketing/Advertising field as a Graphic Designer turned Creative Director.   After my second daughter, Sydney, was born, I just couldn't do the long hours and crazy schedules anymore.  Plus, the stress of managing people, commuting and being away from my kids for so many hours was really messing with my head, so I left my job to "pursue my own creative endeavors".  I put that phrase in quotes because at the time we didn't know what it would be. We are all thrilled at what those "creative endeavors" turned out to be!   I wouldn't trade this life for anything in the world.

What continues to inspire you each day and how do you keep your art fresh? I draw inspiration from the past and the present alike.  Before I had my kids I traveled extensively through Europe and Central America, so you'll see bits and pieces of my travel experiences pop up in my collections.  Andalucia was inspired by our honeymoon in Spain. Mezzanine was inspired by my travels through Northern Europe in the late 90's.  I also draw inspiration from nature (Flora & Fauna), my kids (Playdate) and favorite places (Sanctuary).

What 3 words best describe you

Passionate. Obsessive. Sleepless.

What could you not live without to get through each work day? Your phone/computer, sewing machine or your coffee? Anyone who knows me can attest to my morning coffee addiction. Usually it's a Peppermint Mocha, but lately it's Espresso with Coconut Milk on ice. I cannot start my day without it. My MacBook Pro and iPhone are my necessary evil. I am -- and probably will forever be -- a slave to technology.

What is the one best part of your job as a designer? The best part is seeing the beautiful things other people create with my fabric and patterns. Just today I ran into a blog post, purely by chance, where someone had made the most beautiful quilt out of my latest fabric line, Sanctuary. The words she used to describe my fabric and the names of my prints literally brought tears to my eyes (in a good way). I immediately thought "She gets me." That's what it's all about!

What advice would you offer to someone when it comes to living a creative life? Not to sound too clichéed, but "if at first you don't succeed, try again... and again... and again". Perseverance is everything in this industry!  If you are original people will notice. It may happen right away or it may take some time.  Be patient and keep up the good work.  It will happen for you.

What can we expect to see from you in the coming year in terms of new projects and design? I have a new fabric collection coming out this May that I am over-the-moon in love with.  I cannot reveal the name or any sneak peeks yet, but I will say it is exotic, rich and happy.  I hope you all will love it as much as I do!   I also have a new line of sewing patterns coming out in May and my first book coming out later this year.  In addition to all this, I do have three super exciting licensed products that will delight everyone in your family.  Again, it's all hush-hush for now but I can give you one hint: My mom will LOVE the first two, my dad will SQUEAL when he sees the third! (that is, if squealing was his way of showing excitement... in reality, he will probably just smile and say "WOW, that's great!" :)

Patty, thank you so very much for sharing your inspiration!

Patty has offered to share some of her fabulous designs with one of YOU!  A 5 - piece MODKID pattern bundle!  Cuz' she's generous and wonderful like that.

To enter the giveaway, leave a comment for each one:

1) Visit Patty's website and tell us which of your favorite MODKID patterns you would add to a bundle.

2)  Follow Patty on Facebook

3)  Follow the Two Peas in a Pod Homegrown Designs blog (you can find a subscription link over there in the sidebar)

This giveaway will be open until Friday, April 8th at midnight, EST.



Birthday Giveaway - Winners!

First, THANK YOU so very much for your Birthday wishes!  It certainly made me smile!
Second, you guys rock the "random acts of kindness" - so glad to read of all the fabulous ways you reach out to others.  So inspiring!
Third, thank you for your patience!  I've been slow to post things I've promised to get out but I have a good excuse and I feel I can share a little more about it now.  I know I've mentioned that our little Sprout has had some struggles lately.  Starting after the first of the year, she was exhibiting some symptoms that were quite concerning.  They potentially still are in fact.  After an ER visit, various tests, an abnormal EEG and visits with the neurologist - it was decided that we had better get an MRI to be certain that our little Sprout did not have a brain tumor as her symptoms would lead you towards that as a possible cause.
This past Monday, we spent a day at Childrens Hospital and were so very relieved and thankful that her images were negative for any signs of tumors or lesions.  We are left with some other lingering questions and we will continue to cautiously explore but for now, our family is rejoicing in what could have been - is not.  I felt terrible for all these weeks because I would read on the internet (such a bad, bad thing to do when you have only a speck of information on a medical issue) and I would read about these kids with brain tumors.  Some good stories.  Mostly very bad.  And several things went through my mind.  One, that I would beg and plead that this would never be "our story".  Pleading that this could happen to someone else but please please please, not us.  Which made me feel terrible.  And two, I just have had such a hard time praying.  For what?  What do I pray for?  The words just didn't come - and I would just snuggle Sprout and think and hope that someday I would have the joy of rocking HER babies to sleep one day.  That her life would be full and long and that we would be together forever.  So my mind has been very distracted for months.  I have slept more this week and felt more exhausted than I have in a long time.  Funny how releasing stress can do that to you.
Diagnosis is a process and eventually we'll figure out if this a "normal" developmental thing for her which is clinically insignificant, or if there is some greater significance to it.  Time will tell and we are doing our best to advocate for her so that her development is not hindered.  We have more appointments scheduled and we have an amazing neurologist who is caring for Sprout with a conservative and watchful eye.  She is a really special little girl.  I can't begin to describe how much the FOUR of us, her sisters, father and I, absolutely adore her.  I know that God has us in His hands and is taking care of our needs and will continue to carry us through each and every day.  It took me many many many many weeks to get to a point of just trusting - I knew / I know that I can not change whatever it is and so my worrying about it only takes energy away from doing the things I should be focusing on.  A lesson I'm growing to find more comfort in...and I guess, easier said now, now that our circumstances seem more positive than negative.
So, I thank you for your patience, and your prayers.  I am so incredibly blessed to work with some shop keepers, retailers and other industry folks and all of you who have been so supportive.  I can't tell you how much I appreciate the prayers we have shared over the phone together and via email.  It has given me strength on many days when I just didn't have any.
Winners?  Oh yes!  Birthday they are! {thank you}
The Set of 6 Two Peas Sewing Patterns - Winners Choice  

#35 - Catie, on March 24, 2011 at 8:32 am said: Edit Comment


Happy Day – and many more The stash of goodies is fab I have brownies in the oven to take to the gals at the Vet’s – they are so nice and helpful We lost one of our boys Christmas eve they were awsome

Cheers Catie

Pocket Full of Posies Apron handmade by me #42 - Maria M, on March 24, 2011 at 9:04 am said: Edit Comment

I already follow you on facebook!

Surprise package of fabrics and notions and sewing goodies #79 Kristina, on March 24, 2011 at 4:15 pm said: Edit Comment

Random act of kindness number 2 :-) Thanks for running this giveaway! It is super!

I will email each of you soon to get your birthday goodies on their way to you!  {pardon the crummy formatting - Wordpress is not cooperating today.  Hrumpf!}



Happy Birthday to ME! {my birthday gift to you!}

Sigh.  Today is my birthday.  It's a big one.  {That's me when I turned 5.  A child of the 70's.  Listening to a vinyl record with my head phones that had this super long cord so I could dance around the room} When I went to Starbucks yesterday to spend my free drink birthday coupon, the girl says to me, "Oh enjoy it!  Your thirties will be great!".  I thought I would cry.  "Sweetheart," I replied, "I did enjoy my thirties".

With each year that I get older, my children also age with me which does make me a wee bit sad.  There's a picture I took several years ago and I so distinctly remember that day.  It was a casual afternoon, lounging on our front porch swing in the shade, eating ice cream and the sun was gorgeous.  We had been swimming.  The sounds and smells of that day are still very vivid in my memory.  I remember thinking then and still do now, that I pray that heaven is just like that day, like many days I've enjoyed with my kids.  It was so simple - laughter, sunlight, pure joy.  Just pure joy.

Now, I know!  You're saying, "You're turning 40 not dying!!".  I know, I know!!  But, it's not that I'm thinking of it in that way - what I'm thinking is that as you get older, what used to be important just doesn't seem to matter as much anymore.  You do have a perspective that is different from when you were in your 20's and you do find that simple pleasures and moments have such a deeper meaning.  I find myself relishing those moments more.  Not sweating the small stuff as much.  As I had reinforced at work recently, being in the moment. The slogan they told us to remember is "Be Here Now".  I find myself doing just that so much more often as I get older than I did when I was younger.  Being fully present in the moment.  Listening, feeling, being observant fully of the moment and treasuring it.  And in those moments, I do dream of the everlasting life that Christ has promised us.  And I smile widely.

SO...let's celebrate!

I've got a giveaway to offer to you!  Several in fact!  This birthday giveaway is open until Sunday night, March 27th, 2011 at midnight.

Birthday gift #1 : Winners Choice of 6 of my sewing patterns

Birthday gift #2: A Pocket Full of Posies Apron made by me (not in these exact colors but it will be super cute, promise!)  I wear an apron virtually everyday as I cook and clean at home.  Love them!

Birthday gift #3 : Stash of goodies!  A surprise bundle of fabrics and buttons and patterns and fun things for you add to your stash!

3 fun Birthday gifts for you!  Here's how you can enter...leave a separate comment for each one.  You can have up to 5 entries!

1)  Tweet this giveaway, something like "Happy Birthday to YOU! Check out the Two Peas Birthday giveaway at" @trishpreston {use my @name so I can follow you!}

2) Blog about this giveaway.  Leave your blog address here in your comment so we can all come visit you

3)  Post this giveaway as your Facebook status and/or follow Two Peas in a Pod Homegrown Designs on Facebook.

4 & 5) My birthday wish and worth two entries - a random act of kindness.  What?  I love doing this!  Our local radio station suggested buying the person behind you in the drive-thru line at Starbucks, etc, a cup of coffee - paying for their order.  I did that and it just makes you smile!  A few weeks ago - it happened to me!  I pulled up and the clerk said the person in front of me had paid for my coffee!  Weeks later, that still fills my heart with joy.  So incredibly nice!

So for two entries - perform a random act of kindness in celebration of YOUR birthday - of this year of our lives.  Buy someone a cup of coffee, take a meal to a friend who is in need, send a special note to a favorite teacher telling them you appreciate them, etc.  Then, tell us - INSPIRE US - with your act.  (For your second entry after you share - you can just leave a note that says "Random Act #2).

Go forth and Celebrate this day that the Lord has made!  Yea!  See you back here Monday morning for the giveaway winners, some Monday Morning Inspiration and next week - that belt and more flower tutorials!



The Two Year Nursery {or 2 1/2...whatever}

When I had my twins, I had their nursery partially done before I was put on bedrest while pregnant.  Once they arrived, well, let's just say they were roughly 5 by the time I actually completed their bedroom.

So I'm feeling quite accomplished that in fact much of Sprout's room was done before she arrived.  I had a handful of things left to put up on walls and well, at age 2...2 1/2, they finally all found their way to their intended place.

Want to peek?  I'm super sentimental for sure when it comes to decorating.  I like to mix old and new together.  And I like to craft little special touches too.

Above, you can see, I made Sprouts crib sheets.  Her Great Grandma made the quilt on her rocking chair (out of whatever she had on hand which was usually old clothes).  And I made the little quilt on the floor.

When I was 16, I didn't ask for a car.  I asked for an antique dresser.  I grew up hanging with my parents every weekend in antique stores.  And I loved these dressers with the marble tops.  This, this was my 16th birthday present.  Wait a minute!  No, it's not actually.  The dresser I picked out and was "given", my Mother loves.  And I wasn't allowed to take it with me when I moved away from home.  So, she bought me this one to replace it.  I love it just as much Mom, thank you.  And now, it's serves as a beautiful dresser for Sprout.

On top of her dresser sits my little night light from when I was a child (the girl sitting atop of the mushrooms), a photo of her sisters, the Two Peas, when they were babies, a lamb pin I made for my husbands Grandmother, a tin measuring cup I keep her hair clips in, and a tea pot that my great grandmother (Sprouts great-great grandmother) loved and had in her home.

My Grandmother, Beatrice, stitched this needlepoint picture.  This was given to me long ago and I just had it stored away.  Until Sprout, and then I knew of the perfect spot for it in her room.  It reads, "To love and be loved is the greatest joy on earth". I adore this piece of work from my Grandma Bea.

The Irish Blessing, of course.  My Irish heritage is something I treasure deeply.  This blessing sat on a shelf in my sisters room for as long as can remember and long after she passed away at the age of 15.  This hangs in Sprouts room and I often read it to her.

I'm really not very good at decorating so this attempt at hanging a shelf and adding the bird decal - totally winging it!  A mix of old and new here, the letters of her name strung by a ribbon (hidden by the photo here - my hubs doesn't like me to share the kids names so I've "cleverly" hidden it, wink!).  You can see, I have a few of her baby photos in my frame and still a few more left to add...

A simple handmade valance made by me from some Waverly fabrics.  Want a tutorial?  It's seriously - a no brainer!  Really easy!

A salvaged piece of quilt my Mother framed for each of us kids.  My great grandmother made this gorgeous blue and white quilt but it has since detoriated greatly.  This was a great way to save a bit of it and preserve it.

And another spot of handmade by me.  A Pocket Full of Posies Banner - Sprout loves this!  You can find the pattern for it here.

So that's the tour.  The nursery that has been 2 1/2 years in the making.  Very simple.  Lots of sentimental items.  Old and new and handcrafted and BURSTING with love!

I'll leave ya with this bit of good cheer for a Monday - Gussy Sews has a big old fat giveaway day going on over on her blog.  Loads of fabulous things and you could win a big old fat shop credit to the Two Peas store over there.  Hop on over throughout the day as more get added all day long and have fun!



We have a winner!

What fabulous crafters who entered our Spring Challenge! Thank you Jenny Jo, Ms. Muffin, Ann and Sara for playing along and sharing your fabulous talents with all of us! Ann and her adorable "Seed Stand" was the winner!

Ann has won a $50 store credit to my shop...and to say thanks for participating, I'd like to send a free sewing pattern of your choice to each of the other fab entries.  {email me girls at twopeasinapoddesigns at gmail dot com with your pick and mailing address}

As the ice builds up, snow falls - Spring is going to be welcome change!



A Two Peas Spring Challenge

{the voting is now closed}

Are you up to the challenge?  Well, a few weeks ago I asked that question and a few of you said "YES!".

I just thought it would be a good idea to get our brains thinking towards sunshine, green grass, and blooming flowers after months of knee deep snow and slush that has covered most of the US.  Am I right?  Are you ready for Spring?!?

Here's the challenge::  Set a handmade Spring scene.  Anything.  Handmade.  Bright.  Cheery.  Fun.  Handmade.

YOU - the readers, get to choose the "Springy-est".  Now, I must warn you, they are all kinds of cute and thoughtful and wonderfully crafted.  It will be hard to pick just one but just one is all you can pick!

Leave a comment with your pick (please one vote per person).  The "Springy-est" will be rewarded with some bright and cheery two peas store credit in the amount of $50!  Woot! Woot!

Here they are:

#1) Jenny Jo

Jenny Jo of Nebraska submitted this lovely little number she just stitched up!  Her six year old daughter is loving her new Feliz dress designed by Studio Tantrum and made from the Pop Garden fabric collection by Heather Bailey.  She looks a wee bit cold out there Mom!  And absolutely adorable!

#2) Ann W

Looks like these American Girls are getting ready to start their gardens!

Ann W.  shares, "My daughter made the seed stand out of boxes covered with fabric.  She printed the little seed packets and I made most of the little bags.  When I read your post about a spring set up, I thought we could do something with our dolls.  I mentioned it to my daughter and we eventually came up with the seed stand idea."

Check out all the detail - and the seed signs!  And, what's this?  Cute farmers market totes?  Great job!  You can follow Ann on her blog Winters Edge Home.

#3) Ms. Muffin

Ms. Muffin shared, "I made this adorable apron skirt from a pattern from Little Lizard King for my daughter as a Christmas present. I think the colors look so lovely together and was so happy with how it turned out. And my daughter loved it, too. And she did love to be allowed to jump on her bed for the photo shoot, too." I think the photo below is the pre "Mom can I jump on the bed?" shot.  Fabulous! Connect with Ms. Muffin on her blog muffins n more .

#4) Sara U.

This rainbow brought to you by Sara U.

"Here's my little rainbow sitting in the clouds enjoying the rain with a splash of sunshine in her hair.  :) This dress was my own design.  It's a band of fabric like a choker that buttons around the neck, a fitted bodice that gathers at the "choker" on the front and back.  The skirt is bands of fabric sewn together in a tube and gathered at the top to attach to the bodice.  I took the lace at the bottom from a dress I had but didn't wear and added the ric-rac and flower for extra fun."

She's just looking like a perfect pot of gold!  Follow Sara on her blog The Pretty Pickle.
That's it gang!  Our 4 entries...tweet, facebook, blog away and encourage others to come see the challenge and vote for their favorite!  Best of luck - they are ALL FABULOUS!  Thank you so much for crafting away and making Spring seem a wee bit closer!
{Grab a button girls and add it to your blogs if you'd like! Here's the code to paste with it!
<a target=”_blank” href=””><br><br><img border=”0″ width=”125″ alt=”Two Peas in a Pod Homegrown Designs” src=””></a>



a little sewing room inspiration

I'm prepping this evening for my sewing class I'm teaching tomorrow.   I typically try to bring a little something for my students.  Candy and treats or a little sewing something or other.

And since I spent all day packaging sewing pattern orders during our snow day {oh yes, I think half the US had a snow day today, right? The two peas LOVE to bag patterns...I don't know why but I am thankful} I was feeling craft-deprived.  Haven't had my hands in any glue lately or threads on my clothes in days!

So, I crafted up these little jars for my girls coming to my class tomorrow.  You could fill them with buttons, hold your scissors, bobbins, tags...all kinds of things!

Wanna make one too for your sewing room?  Super's the 411.


  • glass jar
  • glue gun
  • ribbon
  • scrap fabric
  • small piece of batting
  • computer printer fabric (I'll explain more about this)
  • your computer and printer
  • cute tiny little clothes pins
  • seed beads

I found the computer printer fabric at my local JoAnn's.  Very simple to use.  Just load it into your printer like regular paper.  It has a paper back that you peel off after the ink dries.

I found the wreath design at The Graphics Fairy.  If you have never been to her site before...oh, are you in for a treat.  Fabulous graphics for you to use.  She's a REAL fairy...I love her.  I then typed the word sew and placed it in the center of the wreath design and then printed it on the fabric.

Once you have your image on the fabric, cut it out and set it aside.  Next, cut some scrap fabric a little bit larger than your image fabric.  Cut TWO (2) per jar - we are going to make these dimensional.

Use some stitch witchery or fusible something or other to fuse your image to one of the scrap fabric pieces.

Next, cut a disc of batting to fit in between the scrap fabric - one with the image on it and a piece for the back.  Make a sandwich.  Layer these up with the scrap fabric pieces wrong sides facing and the batting in the middle.

Now, stitch.  I started from the outer edge and went all the around in a spiral until I reached the center.

Next, use your hot glue gun and adorn the printed fabric with beads.  Hot glue the ribbon around the top of the jar.  Use your teeny tiny little bitty itsy bitsy clothes pins to clip your fabric to the ribbon and add a bit of glue here and there to be sure it all stays together.

How cute is this?  Wouldn't this be cute as a gift for a sewer and fill it up with fun bling bling buttons and and ribbons and other fun trims?  I'd love it!

If you make one - we'd love to see it!  Share it over on my Facebook page.

Don't forget!!!  Get crafting this weekend - you have until January 24th to submit your entry for my Spring Challenge.  Click on the icon to read more about - including the $50 shop credit you could win!!  



{a spring time challenge and reward}

Around these parts of the Midwest currently, the snow has melted for the moment and the grass is brown and it's cold.  It's kinda gray and we are missing our snowman and sledding.

And although I LOVE snow (I seriously LOVE LOVE LOVE snow!) and I'm anxious for more yet this mind is starting to drift towards Spring.  How about you?

So...let's think SPRING together!

Over on my Facebook page I asked for everyone to share some of what they had been crafting up for the holidays and it was really fun to see what some of you were stitching away.  I thought it might be fun to do the same thing here on the blog.

{Here's my Spring time challenge:  Set a spring scene.}

Fun little tea party scene.  Your living room with a new throw and pillows.  Your little one dolled up in a new outfit for her and her doll. Something colorful, fun, bright and SPRING like!  Use your own creations, use a decide.  But just make it something that shouts SPRING!  Really, the sky is the limit.  Just something that when we look at it makes you go, "Ahh, how sweet!" and makes you smile because it's just so darn, well, bright and cheery!

Then, once you have your fun bright spring creation all set up - take a photo and email it to me.  I'll post them all on my blog and let all of you vote on your favorites.  The winner will receive a $50 shop credit for Two Peas in a Pod Homegrown Designs.

Deadline to enter is January 24th and I'll post all of the entries up on January 26th.  I'll leave it up for one week for voting.  Sound like a fun challenge?  I hope so!  Can't wait to see what you come up with!  You all are awesome!

(And to help you out with a little inspiration - use the coupon code "springfling" in my etsy shop and receive 25% off any of my sewing patterns now through January 15th.  Funky, ruffly, button covered, applique pillows, quilts, bag, dresses, aprons, flower banners...lots of fun things for Spring - just to get you ready for Easter and all!)

Oh look!  A cute little button you can grab if you're playing along!  (I'll fix the url to the post with all of your entries later...I'll post a new code so you can adjust.) But for now, try this:

<a target="_blank" href=""><br><br><img border="0" width="125" alt="Two Peas in a Pod Homegrown Designs" src=""></a>

Have fun!



Santa Claus is coming to town...

We are all getting just a little bit excited about the big day.  You know the one... Santa arrives in our town with an escort by our fire trucks and the high school marching band.  There are horse drawn carriage rides, a craft bazaar, a gingerbread house contest and ice sculptures.  It's very Norman Rockwell-ish and I love it.

Just about the time Santa was arriving to the park in town to meet with all the children, Sprout caught a glimpse of the old guy.  She began to yell.  Loudly.  And wave her arms around to get his attention.


All day long in fact, she had been saying, she wanted to see Jesus and how she just couldn't wait until she got to meet Jesus and I thought, man!  You're freaking me out kid!  Why are you saying that?  I began wondering if she had a death wish or something.

Um, yeah.  So as we are standing there, waiting for SANTA...I realize, she's calling Santa - Jesus.  This girl thinks the fat guy in the red suit is Jesus???  Oh no.

I mean it's an honest mistake.  We talk all about Jesus, how it's his birthday, etc and then we have stuffed Santa Clauses all over the house.  Clearly, need a few more pictures of Jesus.  She is now throughly confused because now when I ask her, "Who's this?" pointing to Santa...she just says, "that guy".

She told him for Christmas, she wants a sucker.  His reply, "Is that all?".  She answered, "No, I want 3 suckers."  Oh, I can not wait to see her face when she opens up her gifts on Christmas morning and sees the bag of 300 dum-dum suckers I bought her!  She is gonna lose it!  She's a keeper that Sprout.  (She's stylin her little scarflette here...cute huh?  And yes, that's my arm in there and yes, I know.  We have matching coats.  Cheesy.  Whatever.)

Santa has brought a little something for you too.  A few giveaway winners.

From  this post, I promised to share some of Elizabeths beautiful Red Rose Farm fabrics in way of precut pieces to make the scarflette...

Jansie...the kit is all yours.  Email me your information!

Now, the Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway.  We have 3 fabulous prizes...

First, a $20 shop credit to Above All Fabric and your choice of one of my patterns...goes to Rebekah, "I would get some AH Starling of my favorite prints ever."

Next, a set of 3 of my patterns, your choice...Nellana!

And finally, a patchwork wristlet handmade by me!  That winner is...Gaby!

"I have subscribed to your blog.  Your opening comment made me smile Oprah is currently in Australia and all I have been seeing today is comments about Oprah."

So all you winners - send me your information.  I can't promise I'll get this all out to you before Christmas but next week, for sure!  Tomorrow is my last shipping day this week and then we are full on with the festivities...cookie baking, gift wrapping, movie watching and roasting marshmallows by the fire and all that other fun holiday stuff.

For everyone who did stop by and enter the giveaways, thank you so much.  I hope you'll continue to come back and join in on the conversation from time to time.

I feel very blessed to have this space to connect with other crafters - thank you for reading.  I wish you and your family, a very happy HAPPY holiday!  Eat too much, laugh until you cry, hug everyone in sight and be happy and live well.  Life is good.

God bless you...





Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day!

It's kinda like the "Oprah's Favorite Things" show of the sewing world, right?  Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day happens twice a year and boasts loads of incredible bloggers and shops giving away a virtual LOAD of amazing handcrafted art and supplies.  If you are hopping here from Sew, Mama, Sew...welcome to my corner of the world.

My name is Trish and I'm the designer and owner of Two Peas in a Pod Homegrown Designs.  {that's me, my two peas - my twins, and my sprout} I design sewing patterns and I, probably much like you, am addicted to crafting.  You can read more about my story here or about my recent adventures in launching my business at Quilt Market here and here.  2011 is going to be an exciting year for our business with many new things to come.  I hope you'll stick around now that you've found us and take the journey with me and my family.

Let's get to the goods, shall we?!  I have 3 wonderful prize packages for you and our International friends are welcome to join in.

First, I've had the distinct pleasure of teaming up with Melanie from Above All Fabric.  Melanie is an amazing seamstress with a fabulous online fabric shop.  It's like having a friend down the street own a fabric store - she is super friendly and approachable, great service and offers fantastic products.  Melanie is offering one of you a $20 shop credit to her fabric store and along with your choice of one of my sewing patterns.  Awesome!

Second prize, I'm offering one reader your choice of 3 my sewing patterns.  Awesome again, right?

And finally, a third prize, I'm offering a handmade goodie.  One of my patchwork wristlets.

Here's how to enter:

  1. Subscribe to my blog.  Leave a comment that you have done so.
  2. Become a fan of Above All Fabric on Facebook.
  3. Become a fan of Two Peas in a Pod Homegrown Designs on Facebook.
  4. Visit Above All Fabric and tell me how you would like to spend your $20 shop credit if you win.

4 chances to win!  Sweet!  And more sweetness, until December 20th, use the coupon code {sweettreat} and receive 20% off my in stock sewing patterns in my shop.

Thanks for stopping by and have fun on your Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day hop!



{The 12 Days of Christmas}

I heart Where Women Create.  They are super wonderful people that Jo and Paige!  Right now, they have the {the 12 Days of Christmas} giveaways going and they are spectacular!  You might even find a little something from yours will NOT regret visiting over there.  Go ahead.  Go now.  I'll wait.  Then you can come back and finish reading this post.  Go on on the photo below.

Oh good!  You DID come back!

Well, contrary to popular belief, not everyone IS a winner.  I mean, there are a lot of great prizes going on over there at WWC but not everybody is gonna win.  To offer a little something sweet for everybody who is still crafting and working on gifts for yourself of course, or others - enjoy some Two Peas inspiration and 20% off my sewing patterns in my etsy shop until December 20th.  Just enter the coupon code {sweettreat}.

And until December 9th, you can still enter my giveaway for the scarflette kit from this post. While writing that post, it made me reflect back a year ago when I was first making my patchwork scarves.  I loved rereading that post.  I thought you might too.  It just felt good to remind myself.  Here's is an edited version from January 2010:

Funny thing this whole faith thing, isn’t it?  I mean, for those of you that believe in a higher power, whatever it may be, do you ever get those moments when you just go…”Ohh, freaky?!”.


And by that I mean, a message just seems to totally stick in your head and motivate you?

I thought that for Monday, I would blog about how cold it’s been, how I just can’t seem to warm up and how I made myself this scarf.

And I started to plot out a few quick instructions I would share on the scarf so you could make one too.  Plotting as I woke this morning and got everyone up and going.  And then, as we always do, we headed off for church.

I totally love our worship service.  I grew up in a very traditional church where our service was the same most Sundays.  And my current church still offers that however, we opt to go to the contemporary service.  For one, my kids are in sunday school and so this is the service we can go to after their class.  Second, our dear close friends happen to be the worship band leaders.  And they totally rock.

And this Sunday, there were little video snippets that played before church began.  No music.  Just text. Asking if we were really “here”.  What were we “hoping for”?  Hoping the service didn’t go long?  Hoping to go home soon to eat lunch?  Hoping to sit back and just observe?  It was honest and uncomfortable.

Every Sunday, it’s like this.  Something that stops you and grabs your attention and brings you for a moment into clear focus about why – just WHY we are sitting there in church.

And every Sunday, it’s the same.  I’m hoping to get out of there soon.  Hoping the baby will sit still enough for me to grasp part of the sermon.  Hoping to go get a coke soon and hoping to get home and sew in the afternoon.  So much to do before the week starts.

And every Sunday, most Sundays, it’s something like that first message – am I REALLY HERE - that makes everything around me disappear, makes my eyes focus on the cross, brings tears to my eyes and makes me remember what has been given to ME so I can have children, lunch, a sewing machine, a big glass of coke…a life.

Much of today’s sermon was focused on doing what we’ve been asked and doing it when we are too comfortable.

Too comfortable in our chairs to get up and share a message with someone who really needs it today.

Too comfortable to not just write a check for money but to go out and give of our time.

Getting uncomfortable.  Doing things that are hard.  Doing things we’d probably rather not do but then again, hey, I’m pretty sure Jesus wasn’t very “comfortable” dying on the cross but He did it anyway…for me, for you – for all of us.  And asks us to just do one little thing.  Tell others about Him.

Google this.  Jeremiah 1:4-10.

And it’s not comfortable for me to do that.  Because people come here from all over the place and from lots of different perspectives.  Different religions.  Or no religion at all.  Everybody has a journey that led them to where they are.  And this is mine and I’m doing what I feel that I’m called to do.  I hope you’ll allow me to do that now and again with you and I’d love for you to do that with me as well, with all of us.

Sharing faith can be very hard.  Uncomfortable.  Is this really the right forum?  Should I talk about this here?

Of course I should.  Of course you should.  Of course this is the right forum.

Which is why I thought when I wanted to write about how cold I’ve been – how I can’t seem to get warm lately because of our freezing temperatures – how “uncomfortable” I’ve been in my sewing room (I even talked about this at my sewing class last Friday!) – that today’s message and my message – seemed to have a purpose.  Right?



Sprout's Patchwork Scarflette and Scarf {tutorial}

{Tutorial AND a GIVEAWAY - yea!}

The snow has begun to fly around here and Christmas is on its way.  Around our house, we do a whole lotta handmade for the holidays. My Two Peas and Sprout love, love, love going outside, so scarves seem to make perfect sense for one of my gift giving projects.

It's a great way to use up your scraps and make something truly unique for a friend or a teacher or your little ones.  The scarflette fits my Sprout just perfect and falls to her waist (she's 2) but it also fits me just as perfect (at 44" in length).  Bonus.

The scarf is BIG.  It was like 20° here today so big warm scarves are a must.

With ruffles, some yo-yo's and some fabulous buttons (thank you Hillcreek Designs) - I think the SCARF and SCARFLETTE are something you'll enjoy making and giving.

I am lucky enough to count the lovely Elizabeth Scott as a friend and she shared some of her new fabric collection with me, Red Rose Farm which is what I used to make the scarflette for Sprout.  Aren't those fabrics so sweet?!  {thank you so much Elizabeth for sharing!}

And since Elizabeth was so generous, I'd like to share some of her Red Rose Farm with you. Leave a comment on this post and I will pick one winner to receive a precut kit of the Scarflette design as shown here that will include 16 pieces of Red Rose Farm and a stash of buttons from Hillcreek Designs and some pink fleece.  Giveaway will end by December 9th at midnight.  International friends welcome to enter. Giveaway is now closed.

Let's Sew!

Making the SCARF

Here's whatcha need...

  • Loads of scraps, I used a combination of cottons and flannel, Cut 10" wide and totaling 80" (includes seam allowance) in length (I like them a bit long for the way I choose to wrap it on but you may want to adjust this to your preference.  The finished length is roughly 66").  On my scarf, I cut the two end pieces from the same fabric and the same size to match them up.  I cut those pieces to be 10" x 3 1/2".  And I added a ruffle above each end piece, cut 20" x 3 1/2".
  • Lining fabric.  The lazy girl method, just use your finished top as your pattern and cut your lining to size.  I used a fleece.  You could also use a flannel or if you live somewhere where it isn't snowing, you could use cotton.

1)  Lay out all of your scraps to plan the order in which you are going to piece them.  Then, using 1/4" seams, laying right sides together, piece your 10" wide scraps to create your scarf top.  On each end of my scarf, I created a ruffle and then added the final piece on each end which was identical print and size.

2) To create the ruffle, I used the piece cut 20" x 3 1/2".  Run a gathering stitch down the center of that strip.  Pin the ruffle to your fabric strip just allowing the ruffle to tuck and fold however it falls.  Stitch.  Then add on your last piece which on mine, was sized 10" x 3 1/2" and I used identical prints on the two ends.

3) Press ALL of your seams to one side and then topstitch. (see below).  Remove your gathering stitch from your ruffles.

4) Adding the lining.  I suggest, you use your finished scarf top as your pattern and cut your lining fabric to size.  With right sides facing, pin your lining fabric (fleece, flannel or cotton - your preference) to your scarf top.  Using 1/2" seams, stitch all the way around your scarf, beginning in the center on one of your long sides and leaving a 6" opening for turning.  Trim away excess and clip corners.

5)  Turn your scarf right side out.  Press all along your edges to give it a crisp finish.  Topstitch all along the edge of your scarf.  Done!



  • Loads of scraps, my finished scarflette totaled 44" - adjust as needed to fit for a custom fit.  For the 44" length, you'll need 8 fabric strips cut 6 1/2" wide x 3 1/2".  Cut 8 fabric strips 18" x 3 1/2".
  • Use your finished scarflette top as a pattern to cut your lining fabric.
  • Various buttons for decorative details.
  • Fabric scraps for making yo-yo's.

1)  Lay out all of your fabrics to plan how you would like to piece them together.  Then, gather each one of your long strips to create the ruffles.

2) To create the ruffle, run a gathering stitch down the center of each of your long strips.  Pin the ruffle to your fabric strip just allowing the ruffle to tuck and fold however it falls.  Stitch.  Continue stitching together in the order of ruffle, flat piece, ruffle, flat piece and so on until your top is complete.  (Refer to the ruffle photos above in the SCARF directions).  Press all of your seams to one side and topstitch.  Remove your gathering stitch from your ruffles.

3)  Adding the lining.  I suggest, you use your finished scarflette top as your pattern and cut your lining fabric to size.  With right sides facing, pin your lining fabric (fleece, flannel or cotton - your preference) to your scarf top.  Using 1/2" seams, stitch all the way around your scarf, beginning in the center on one of your long sides and leaving a 6" opening for turning.  Trim away excess and clip corners.

4)  Turn your scarf right side out.  Press all along your edges to give it a crisp finish.  Topstitch all along the edge of your scarflette.  On mine, I did my edge stitch using a zig zag stitch.

5)  Adding the button(s).  On our scarflette, we placed a button hole centered and up 11" from the one end.  (you should try on your scarflette and determine where you would like a button.  This 11" up fit both me AND my 2 year old so we could share!).  Then I sewed a button on the opposite end to match the buttonhole.  I layered several of the Hillcreek Design buttons for more color.  I also made a couple of yo-yo's and placed a button to the center.  You could also opt to do two buttonholes - placed  an 1 1/2"  from each edge for a bit more security if you'd like.

Check out my tutorials along the right hand side for a few more gift ideas.  One that has been really popular and is easy and quick to make is the patchwork wristlets and lanyards.  And a simple table runner is also a fun quick way to add some color to your holiday decor or even to make as a gift.  My kids actually drew some pictures that we scanned and printed on that printable fabric you can buy at JoAnn's and are planning on using that in a quilted table top.  I also made a scarf like this last winter but it was narrower.  I like both sizes but that post with the quickie text instructions for a narrower adult scarf can be found here

Happy Holiday Sewing!



Whooo Won?

Thanks everyone for playing along with our giveaway offered by yours truly and Anna Luna from Crafty Girls Workshop.

The winner who will get fabric from Anna and the Hoot -N - Nanny tote pattern from Two Peas in a Pod Homegrown Designs is...

ELIZABETH - "Love that bag!  Not sure I'd give it away either...might have to keep that one!".  Thanks Elizabeth!

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving holiday!  I'm working on at least one more holiday gift tutorial to add to the list over there to the right to give you one more idea for your handmade Christmas!



{crafty girls workshop} and a giveaway

I had the pleasure of meeting Anna Luna of Crafty Girls Workshop at Quilt Market in Houston last month.  She's super energetic and has a rockin' cute online store loaded with fabrics, patterns, and kits.

Her blog is a fun place for inspiration.  She's running a series of posts currently linking to all kinds of fun holiday projects around the web.  Gotta love it when somebody does all that surfing for you and provides some fabulous links, right?

Anna fell in love with my Hoot - n - Nanny tote...

...and asked if I'd be interested in partnering with her to do a giveaway this week.  "Great idea!", I said, because...heck, I love giving stuff away especially during the holidays AND it IS a great idea.  And this pattern is super cute and quick to put together so it would be a great gift for a friend.

And Anna is throwing in a charm pack to go with each pattern...hello?  How fabulous is that! (not this EXACT charm pack pictured but one very cool you'll love) AND in addition to that - she'll add in 1/2 yard of your choosing to add to the charm pack!  Sweet!

So here's how you can enter to win one of these packages...leave a comment.  That's it.  Cause Anna and I are cool like that and know that you are busy stuffing turkeys and cleaning house, etc.  Any old, preferably something nice and cheery, comment will do.  Leave one here.  Leave one with Anna.  (two chances to win, yea!).  And we will pick TWO winners.  Giveaway ends Saturday, November 27th at midnight.

And be sure to stop back here later in the week where there may or may not be a super aweseome once in a lifetime...ok, or at least a very good, Black Friday Two Peas sale.  But you gotta come back later to get the 411.



Drumroll please...

Sprout has been under the weather the last few days so I've not had my hands or arms free to type much... Thank you so very much for ALL of the dinner ideas on the Sew, Mama, Sew giveaway post.  If you haven't viewed the comments don't know what you are missing!  There is almost a years worth of awesome ideas for dinner.  I can't wait to sift through and start copying down recipes.

A special kudos to the "Dad from Florida" who was blog hopping for his daughter whose computer was broken.  I sent you a Hazel Hipster pattern just for being such a cool Dad who would do that for his girl.  So sweet...

I've been sewing up a bunch of these owl bags lately...pretty hot item.

{Would you be excited if I told you that I'm releasing a sewing pattern for this bag in July?  No.  Oh, ok.  Well, um, anyway...along with my Ava bag...two new bag patterns for July.  I'm excited at least.}

So, spill already...who won the bag and the patterns from my Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway!?

Lucky number 307...Krista - Poppyprint, on May 19, 2010 at 10:08 pm

So funny because on HER blog she was saying how many giveaways she entered this week and she didn't win any of them.  Ah, guess what?  YOU WON KRISTA!  So cool!

I do have some fun sewing patterns coming out as I mentioned June, July and also in December.  I may even have a special "hot off the presses" deal for you so keep watching.

I will have some features on the lovely ladies that have been testing for me coming up in the next week or so...but for now, go and visit with a few of them and see their lovely little versions of the Patsy Ann Apron Top.  They SO rock!

Sarah B - Check out the dress she made for her little one for graduation too!  So pretty!

Paige - Paige is as sweet as they come and her oldest, just got his drivers license.  Yikes!

Dusty - You gotta scroll through her blog and see all the outfits she's made for her kids!

I'll share more on them and the other testers for the Sprouts pattern line coming soon!



Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day

Welcome to the blog of Trish Preston of Two Peas in a Pod Homegrown Designs. Today is the beginning of the Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day which begins on May 17th and runs through May 20th.  Hundreds of bloggers join in and give away all kinds of handmade items, supplies...and it's a really fun time to find new blogs.

SO, welcome to all of you for which THIS is your first visit here.

I know you all like to jump in and jump out of blogs so you can enter as many giveaways as you like so I'll be short and sweet.  If you'd like to learn more about me and my work you can read that here.  I have a listing of my tutorials down the right hand side...over there, see them?  Useful stuff for later.  And I've been blessed enough to have 4 of my latest projects published by Sew Hip magazine...Issues 14-17.  I love hearing your feedback on my patterns you've tried.

Which brings me giveaway.

Up for grabs...something handmade and something for YOU to make.

An owl bag and two of my sewing patterns.  Sound good to you?

Open to our international friends as well (NOTE: INTERNATIONAL FRIENDS - THERE WILL BE A $5.00 / US SHIPPING CHARGE - helps a little since international shipping is expensive).

TO ENTER :  Leave me a quick comment answering, What is your favorite quick simple and kid pleasing dinner recipe - You can leave just the name...and if you feel so inclined, leave me a link to the recipe.  I could really use some new ideas so I don't have to hear, "tortilla soup, again?"

Happy Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day!



And the winner is...

You are dying to know aren't ya??

Well, I am knee deep in Easter dress land.  Raise your hand if you also had the best of intentions for making your kids an Easter outfit and then just started this week, less than 7 days before Easter.  Uh, huh!  I see you out there.  Thank you for joining the "procrastinators sewing club".  Eee-gads!

If I had any more energy mustered up I might actually write something more but...I'm flat pooped.

I want to thank all of you for all the many Birthday wishes and for playing along with all our giveaways.  A super special thank you to Paige and Jo from Where Women Create, Bari J. Ackerman and Britt Lakin Photography for offering up such great giveaways.  Love you guys!

First up, Britt Lakin Photography giveaway!

True Random Number GeneratorMin: Max: Result: 1

Can you believe it?  Number 1?  Wow, pays to be the early bird Allison!

Next, four separate winners for the Two Peas in a Pod giveaway.

True Random Number GeneratorMin: Max: Result: 19  Sara (Mrs. Dude)

True Random Number GeneratorMin: Max: Result: 57  Karen Davis

True Random Number GeneratorMin: Max: Result: 15  Sarah B

True Random Number GeneratorMin: Max: Result: 50  Wendy

The Bari J. Sewing Patterns - a set of four

True Random Number GeneratorMin: Max: Result: 15  Liz M

And last, our friends at Where Women Create, a signed copy of their book and a bookmark

True Random Number GeneratorMin: Max: Result: 3 Lisa

If I'm lucky, our winners will see this post and contact me.  If not, give me a chance to come up for air from the threads flying and I'll email you to get your information and send out your gifts.

Thanks so very much you all!  I'll be back next week with 2 Sew It Up Sunday projects (I missed March because I was under the weather).  BUT if you can't wait until then...the latest issues of Sew Hip are out on the newstands - the second installment of my Pocket Full of Posies projects is out.  In issue 14, a great fun flower banner for Spring and Issue 15 a kitchen apron just right for your next garden party!  Sew Hip has a Flickr group too - if you make any of the projects you can post them there or with me!



Bari J. - Keeping it Real

I heart Bari J.  I hold a special flame for my friend Bari because we are both bag ladies.  And I mean that in a good way.

Bari designs handbags and other cute little accessories.  I own a sweet little wristlet of hers that I adore.  But most recently Bari has ventured into sewing patterns.

When I was planning this birthday week of giveaways I knew there was one person I really wanted to include, Bari.  Bari has so many great things coming on the horizon and if you haven't been properly introduced well, consider that introduction done now.

She has an adorable project being published in the soon to be out book "Little Birds".  This is a book you will want if you sew and you like birds (my friend Renee would hate this book - she's deathly afraid of birds).  Bari has two beautiful fabric lines and another on the way from Windham fabrics.  She has new book she has authored that is currently in production as well.  The girl has a lot going on to say the least.

Bari has been generous enough to offer up for my birthday surprise today to one of you...a set of her new sewing patterns, all four!  How cool!  

This last one is my favorite.  Take a closer look.  That oven mitt is no ordinary oven mitt.  Check that out!  It's an art quilted oven mitt!  Isn't that fantastic!  Well, seeing that inspired me to share one of my favorite recipes with you.

I'm quite the soup maker if I do say so myself.  My friends and family have their favorites and make requests.  My kids LOVE my chicken tortilla soup the best.  I think it's my fav too.  You'll want to try this one out...and use your new made it yourself oven mitt of course!  (I believe you can click on this recipe to bring it to full size and then print...if you can't and you want me to email to you, let me know.

To take home the set of four patterns from Bari J., visit Bari's Open Sky Shop and come back here and tell us what your favorite find was.  That would be nice OR you can just leave a quick comment - tell Bari how much you love her new patterns, etc.  That's it!  This giveaway will be open until midnight on Wednesday, March 31st. will choose the winner.  Good luck and if you try the soup - let me know what you think!

Don't forget to scroll back to enter the other giveaways this week and stay tuned for our last birthday giveaway tomorrow from Where Women Create!



Happy Birthday to...

{the giveaway for this post is now closed} ME!

Today is the day!  It's my birthday!  It's my birthday!  Put your hands in the air like ya just don't care!  Now everybody sssscream!!

Just kidding!  You can put your hands down now.  Stop screaming.  Really.  Stop.

I will be brief today because I'm preparing to spend the day off from work and hang out all day with my husband.  Something we haven't done in a long while.  (I hope he takes me to my favorite restaurant for lunch!  I'll tweet if he does!)

First, a giveaway.  From the Two Peas studio.

I had an idea that for my birthday I wanted to make something for the giveaway that I hadn't made before.  Something unique.  I, the working bloggy mom that I am, I'll make a laptop sleeve since mine is constantly in arms reach of me.  And how cool would it be to make it from a pair of mens pants, use the pocket to hold the cords, add a couple of mens ties.  In my head, it was a great idea and it looked good too.

In real life, what was a "swan" in my head, became this bit of an, I won't say ugly but let's just say "unique duckling"

Let's call it our "punk rock business as usual" laptop sleeve.  My sister said it was ugly.  As did my oldest and dearest friend whom I've known since the day I was born (we were neighbors growing up and born 4 days apart.  We like to say our Moms must have passed in the hall and we probably were bunk mates in the nursery)  Somebody out there has to love it.  I'm determined now more than ever to give it to a good loving home.  Where someone will love her not because of her outer beauty, but because of who she is on the inside.  A beautiful bag inside of a pair of mens pants and two ties.  Oh, now that's funny!

But wait folks, there's more!  Oh yes!  (I sound like one of those crazy info -mercials)  Because the bag turned out so crazy...I'm adding this one in too!

Wait...there's still more!!

Awhile back, Patty Young, textile designer extraordinaire, was tweeting about this.

It's hard to see how cool this is...Patty uploaded a few of her textile designs to this website and created a gelaskin for her iPhone.  I asked her if she could get a couple extra for me and she did...way back in November.  Because I knew, this would be cool for my birthday giveaway.  Yes, I planned this out that long ago.

This gelaskin will fit on your iPhone or iTouch.  It features a design from Patty's Flora and Fauna line.

3 Fun prizes...ok two for some of you...some may think they are all great.  And the last prize today...a shop credit from Two Peas for $25.

This giveaway will end next Wednesday, March 31st at midnight.  The winner will be chosen by mr.  Here's what you need to do to enter:

Leave a comment each time you do one for multiple chances:

1)  Become a fan of my facebook page

2)  Subscribe to my blog (it's over there to the left in the sidebar)

3) Post this giveaway as your Facebook status and link back to this post.

4)  Tweet about this giveaway and link back to this post.

5)  Blog about this giveaway for TWO entries!

and last

6)  Visit my etsy store and tell me what your number one must have item is for Spring

Sound good?  All together 4 prizes.  The laptop sleeve that needs a good loving home, the clutch, the gelaskin, and the shop credit.

Birthdays are good, yes?

The fine print Yes, this giveaway IS open to our international friends with one little gotta pay $6 shipping if you win either bag (which will help cover my shipping shipping can be really pricey so feel free to play along so long as you don't mind helping with the shipping expenses.   Free US shipping on all giveaways.  And Free international shipping for the gelaskin. )

Happy 37th to me, again!  Thanks for making my days such great ones - I really enjoy our network of crafty friends and moms!

And don't forget to scroll back to yesterdays post and get in on the Britt Lakin Photography giveaway

