Sigh. Today is my birthday. It's a big one. {That's me when I turned 5. A child of the 70's. Listening to a vinyl record with my head phones that had this super long cord so I could dance around the room}
When I went to Starbucks yesterday to spend my free drink birthday coupon, the girl says to me, "Oh enjoy it! Your thirties will be great!". I thought I would cry. "Sweetheart," I replied, "I did enjoy my thirties".
With each year that I get older, my children also age with me which does make me a wee bit sad. There's a picture I took several years ago and I so distinctly remember that day. It was a casual afternoon, lounging on our front porch swing in the shade, eating ice cream and the sun was gorgeous. We had been swimming. The sounds and smells of that day are still very vivid in my memory. I remember thinking then and still do now, that I pray that heaven is just like that day, like many days I've enjoyed with my kids. It was so simple - laughter, sunlight, pure joy. Just pure joy.
Now, I know! You're saying, "You're turning 40 not dying!!". I know, I know!! But, it's not that I'm thinking of it in that way - what I'm thinking is that as you get older, what used to be important just doesn't seem to matter as much anymore. You do have a perspective that is different from when you were in your 20's and you do find that simple pleasures and moments have such a deeper meaning. I find myself relishing those moments more. Not sweating the small stuff as much. As I had reinforced at work recently, being in the moment. The slogan they told us to remember is "Be Here Now". I find myself doing just that so much more often as I get older than I did when I was younger. Being fully present in the moment. Listening, feeling, being observant fully of the moment and treasuring it. And in those moments, I do dream of the everlasting life that Christ has promised us. And I smile widely.
SO...let's celebrate!
I've got a giveaway to offer to you! Several in fact! This birthday giveaway is open until Sunday night, March 27th, 2011 at midnight.
Birthday gift #1 : Winners Choice of 6 of my sewing patterns
Birthday gift #2: A Pocket Full of Posies Apron made by me (not in these exact colors but it will be super cute, promise!) I wear an apron virtually everyday as I cook and clean at home. Love them!
Birthday gift #3 : Stash of goodies! A surprise bundle of fabrics and buttons and patterns and fun things for you add to your stash!
3 fun Birthday gifts for you! Here's how you can enter...leave a separate comment for each one. You can have up to 5 entries!
1) Tweet this giveaway, something like "Happy Birthday to YOU! Check out the Two Peas Birthday giveaway at" @trishpreston {use my @name so I can follow you!}
2) Blog about this giveaway. Leave your blog address here in your comment so we can all come visit you
3) Post this giveaway as your Facebook status and/or follow Two Peas in a Pod Homegrown Designs on Facebook.
4 & 5) My birthday wish and worth two entries - a random act of kindness. What? I love doing this! Our local radio station suggested buying the person behind you in the drive-thru line at Starbucks, etc, a cup of coffee - paying for their order. I did that and it just makes you smile! A few weeks ago - it happened to me! I pulled up and the clerk said the person in front of me had paid for my coffee! Weeks later, that still fills my heart with joy. So incredibly nice!
So for two entries - perform a random act of kindness in celebration of YOUR birthday - of this year of our lives. Buy someone a cup of coffee, take a meal to a friend who is in need, send a special note to a favorite teacher telling them you appreciate them, etc. Then, tell us - INSPIRE US - with your act. (For your second entry after you share - you can just leave a note that says "Random Act #2).
Go forth and Celebrate this day that the Lord has made! Yea! See you back here Monday morning for the giveaway winners, some Monday Morning Inspiration and next week - that belt and more flower tutorials!