A Two Peas Spring Challenge

{the voting is now closed}

Are you up to the challenge?  Well, a few weeks ago I asked that question and a few of you said "YES!".

I just thought it would be a good idea to get our brains thinking towards sunshine, green grass, and blooming flowers after months of knee deep snow and slush that has covered most of the US.  Am I right?  Are you ready for Spring?!?

Here's the challenge::  Set a handmade Spring scene.  Anything.  Handmade.  Bright.  Cheery.  Fun.  Handmade.

YOU - the readers, get to choose the "Springy-est".  Now, I must warn you, they are all kinds of cute and thoughtful and wonderfully crafted.  It will be hard to pick just one but just one is all you can pick!

Leave a comment with your pick (please one vote per person).  The "Springy-est" will be rewarded with some bright and cheery two peas store credit in the amount of $50!  Woot! Woot!

Here they are:

#1) Jenny Jo

Jenny Jo of Nebraska submitted this lovely little number she just stitched up!  Her six year old daughter is loving her new Feliz dress designed by Studio Tantrum and made from the Pop Garden fabric collection by Heather Bailey.  She looks a wee bit cold out there Mom!  And absolutely adorable!

#2) Ann W

Looks like these American Girls are getting ready to start their gardens!

Ann W.  shares, "My daughter made the seed stand out of boxes covered with fabric.  She printed the little seed packets and I made most of the little bags.  When I read your post about a spring set up, I thought we could do something with our dolls.  I mentioned it to my daughter and we eventually came up with the seed stand idea."

Check out all the detail - and the seed signs!  And, what's this?  Cute farmers market totes?  Great job!  You can follow Ann on her blog Winters Edge Home.

#3) Ms. Muffin

Ms. Muffin shared, "I made this adorable apron skirt from a pattern from Little Lizard King for my daughter as a Christmas present. I think the colors look so lovely together and was so happy with how it turned out. And my daughter loved it, too. And she did love to be allowed to jump on her bed for the photo shoot, too." I think the photo below is the pre "Mom can I jump on the bed?" shot.  Fabulous! Connect with Ms. Muffin on her blog muffins n more .

#4) Sara U.

This rainbow brought to you by Sara U.

"Here's my little rainbow sitting in the clouds enjoying the rain with a splash of sunshine in her hair.  :) This dress was my own design.  It's a band of fabric like a choker that buttons around the neck, a fitted bodice that gathers at the "choker" on the front and back.  The skirt is bands of fabric sewn together in a tube and gathered at the top to attach to the bodice.  I took the lace at the bottom from a dress I had but didn't wear and added the ric-rac and flower for extra fun."

She's just looking like a perfect pot of gold!  Follow Sara on her blog The Pretty Pickle.
That's it gang!  Our 4 entries...tweet, facebook, blog away and encourage others to come see the challenge and vote for their favorite!  Best of luck - they are ALL FABULOUS!  Thank you so much for crafting away and making Spring seem a wee bit closer!
{Grab a button girls and add it to your blogs if you'd like! Here's the code to paste with it!
<a target=”_blank” href=”http://twopeasinapoddesigns.com/2011/01/25/a-two-peas-spring-challenge/”><br><br><img border=”0″ width=”125″ alt=”Two Peas in a Pod Homegrown Designs” src=”http://i486.photobucket.com/albums/rr225/2peasinapoddesigns/springchallenge-2-1.jpg”></a>