Did that spook ya? My evil laugh and all? It's a pretty good imitation, right? I mean, I totally had ya thinking that like Count Dracula was right behind you didn't I? OOooo! I so love Halloween. It is my FAV.OR.ITE holiday. I just love it. Love that it happens in the fall. Love to think about Halloween costumes and what we'll put together. Love the parties we have every year. Love, LOVE, love LOVE LOVE it!!!
As a matter of fact, the day after halloween, I go out and scurry up anything that is left over in the store Plates, napkins, cute little trinkets for goodie bags and the like and I load them all up into my "Halloween Party" bin and put it back into storage. Each year, I am all set with loads of fun stuff for our party and purchased at usually 75% off or more! Mooahhhahahah (rubs hands together) Love bargain shopping!

I have an entire Haunted Village. You know how some people have Christmas Villages (ok, I confess. I have one of those too - complete with skiers and snowboarders that move - you'll have to wait until Christmas for that post). I have these villages that all make sound and have motion. Well before the girls get home from school, I have those things cranked on. And enjoy them I do - ohh! So much fun!
And I love decorating around my antiques. My old clock works perfect for Halloween decor don't ya think? Complete with owl, black leaves, and rat of course!
A few years ago, I crafted some pillow covers for my couch. I found some adorable festive fabrics. Searched for this fringe trim in black over in the home dec section.

And then out of felt, I cut the shapes, used stitch witchery on them (because what else would you use at this time of year for applique with a name like that), and then did some decorative stitching on top. Hello?! Cute and so easy. They are an envelope style.

That couldn't be easier. Measure your pillow form size. I add usually about an 1.5" to 2" to each side measurement. Your front panel is one piece obviously. Your back panel will be in two pieces. You won't those pieces to overlap by about 3-4" so cut two pieces, accounting for seam allowances so you can create a nice clean hem on the edges, and cut them to fit for your rear panel. Make sense. That's all there is to it. With right sides together, make sure your rear panel has your edges finished that will be exposed, and that they are overlapping enough, and stitch all the way around.
If you want to add trim like I did, you'll want to sandwich that inbetween your layers. It will lay in this order, panel one, trim, and then panel two.

I know, I know. Not really the best instructions. Go here for a real tutorial on how to make these style covers. They could not be easier, seriously!
Got any good ideas for our "Frankensteins Laboratory"? We did one a few years back and the girls have requested we do it again. I set it up on the kitchen counter and use a big black garbage bag that is shredded to hide what is behind the bags. We did grapes for eyeballs. Spaghetti for brains. And a wig for hair. But I need some new ideas this year. Help me out!
And for helping me out...drum roll please...I'm gonna send you one of Halloween treat bags! Just a lightweight little tote a little one could use to collect their candy in or you could put a cute Halloween gift in it for someone, like me, who loves Halloween better than their birthday. (hint! hint! I know my husband reads this and if you are reading this right now, I sure would love that new Wacom tablet we talked about....what a lovely Halloween gift that would be for your dear sweet hard working wife who adores you - is this thing on? hello? Did ya catch all that?) Sorry about that diversion...he does secretly read. He says he doesn't ever read my blog but then he'll blurt something out that I shared and I'll say, "ahh, so you DO read my blog".

Where was I? Oh yes, help me out with some ideas for Franks Laboratory and the two peas will pick a favorite idea and we'll send you a bag - heck, maybe a few other goodies too. Ya never know. We'll pick a favorite on the 21st of October and mail out your package on the 22nd so you'll have it in time for Halloween!
Can't wait to hear your ideas!
Last but not least, my September giveaway...lucky name out of the hat was Lise from inthepurplehouse.blogspot.com. Send me your mailing address and a key fob and lanyard is headed your way.