Thinking Spring...{of blooms and blossoms}

I've got Spring on the brain.  Just waiting for the cold winds to go back to where they came from and some warmer air to blow through our side of the world. I had asked before about things you'd like me to write about and one of my friends asked if I'd share a tutorial about how I make all of those little blooms and blossoms embellishments.  Simple, classic, been done for decades little blooms and these?

I use these on all kinds of things and I'll share with you very soon a whole bunch of ideas on how to use these blooms and how to make them.  Start gathering some materials!

You'll need some felt (used for the backings), hook and loop tape like velcro, pin backs, hair clips, headbands, d-rings, fabric, buttons and vintage baubles, and a glue gun.  (Plus your sewing machine and needle and thread).

Now, go gather up your gear and come back next week and we'll chat over some coffee and make some cute little blooms and blossoms, ok?  Cool!  See ya then!



Sneak a Peek - It's Sew Easy

I'm ready. Physically.

Emotionally, not so sure.

Let's be honest.  I'm nervous.  I've never been on TV before.  I never sought out to be on TV but when KS Productions approached me at Quilt Market this past fall in Houston, Texas about the possibility...well, who could say no!  I'm all about new challenges.  Experiencing whatever life has to offer.  My hope is that the show has much to offer and inspires YOU and brings JOY to your life and your crafting.

Seriously.  I know that may sound kinda cheesy but truly, I love seeing people learn to sew for themselves and creating things for people they love.  If you sew, you know what I mean.  There is a true delight found in sharing your creations with those around you, am I right?

Well, the latest press release has been posted here if you want to read about it.

A sneak peek?   OK!  Maybe just a tiny one!  I have a few samples that I'll be using on set for my segments.  I have some FABULOUS fabric friends who I'll be taking along with me.

I ADORE Jan DiCintio.  Jan is a one woman powerhouse - and protector of the earth.  Kindred spirits she and I.  Jan has a fabulous line of self produced GOTS certified organic cotton fabrics.  They feel great.  They sew up fabulously.  And I'm so excited to share them on the show with my samples.

And another woman I admire and deeply love her work - Jennifer Paganelli.  Jennifer has to be one of the most sincere and nicest women in the textile industry.  I really look up to her.  I use her fabrics all the time in my work and you can't ever go wrong with the infusion of color you find in SisBoom.  Jennifer has a new book out Girls World that I can not wait to get my hands on.  I was so pleased to have some of her Queen Street fabrics to work with.

So, that's it.  A sneak peek at my week...filming begins Monday!  EEKS!



Mystery Birthday Party


Well.  That's it.  My "Two Peas" have reached double digits. It amazes me to think that 10 years ago, the Gardener and I grew these two sweet little peas and experienced all the joy in having twins. They are compassionate, generous, sweet little girls who amaze me everyday.  They are the happiest kids ever - and the Gardener and I love them to pieces!

For their big birthday celebration, we decided on a Nancy Drew Mystery party theme.  It was a blast!  I did find a few ideas online and a few ideas from some friends (thank you Krista and Sarah!)

We allowed for 2 1/2 hours for the party and it was timed perfectly.  Here's the low down on the shindig:

1) Invitations. I used a cover from a Nancy Drew book as the cover and inside was an envelope with the invite.  The kids loved this!

2)  The Party Table: Cake baker I'm not the best but the blob in the center on the tray is supposed to be a magnifying glass.  Marshmallow appetizers.  Candy buffet.  What's not to love?  I found the books in the trash on trash day in my neighborhood.  What?  They were perfect and in a bin of books they were throwing away...can you believe it?  I stacked a few on the table and my police officer / park ranger hubby provided us with some special crime scene tape.  Add a few tools of the trade, busts of my two peas...I think it turned out pretty cool.  Each pea had her own cake plus cupcakes for the guests (the cupcake wrappers are from Wilton - so cute!)  Cute green dot fabric left over from covering our chairs at Quilt Market.  

Our cupcake table had a simple display of the peas, more candy and some mystery books!  I also added a few tissue paper flowers for color!

3) Activities and Craft. American Girl has these awesome craft kits out that we love!  We started with making some flower centerpieces that the girls could use at home to hide a hidden camera or listening device in - you know, pretend!  I saved up my cans and we used those as our vases.  They absolutely loved making these - huge hit!

Then we played a game of skill...the girls had to pick up binder clips and keys from the floor using a string tied to a pencil with a safety pin on the end.  You know, because Nancy Drew never knew when she would have to retrieve a key tossed down a sewer drain or something.  Then, a game of observation.  A tray of objects they would get a few seconds to look at it.  Then I would take it away and Sprout would take one object away.  The girls had to write down what was missing.  And we did this removing about 5 or 6 objects.  They wrote down their observations in their investigation journals I gave each girl.  Big hit!

Then we put our new skills to work in solving the mystery!  The mystery involved a missing sock monkey that had a hidden map on it left by an old Great Aunt and it revealed where she hid the majority of her estate treasures.  Problem is there were two family members who didn't want to share and so there was a lot of sneaking going on...clues, witnesses to interview, chase down...there was a lot of running, squeals of delight.  It was so much fun!  They even found an old Last Will and Testament that had been torn up and they had to tape it together to find a missing clue.  Buried bottles with notes, secret clues in the garden...and finally the main culprit, hiding up in the tree in our woods, trying to keep people away while he was searching for the treasure.

Our culprit led them to the hidden treasure in our woods which turned out to be their treat bags - they consisted of a small bag of candy, a flashlight, a magnifying glass and a pair of glasses with a fake nose and moustache attached (ya know, because every great detective needs a good disguise).

Remember the books I salvaged from the garbage?  I used a few pages to create the tags on their treat bags.

The best peas said that in fact this was NOT the best party they've ever had...because EVERY party we've had for them is the BEST PARTY!  That made me happy...I'm so glad they have enjoyed all these parties because my guess is...having fun little parties with games like this and little treat bags will start to disappear as we now move up in the 'double digit' years.  This was a lot of fun for the entire family and the kids even said it was one of the best parties they had ever been too!  You'll have to try it for your next party!



Sew Sweet...

In my mailbox yesterday was one, oh SEW SWEET surprise!  I have been very blessed to have a great relationship with the editors at Sew Hip magazine.  They have published 4 of my projects previously.

This time, I got a full feature interview!  Wow oooh wow oh WOW!   And my little Sprout and the Two Peas are also pictured in the article - they were sort of thrilled.  One of the peas said, "It's not like anybody except sewers reads it".  I'm sorry...are there other kinds of people in the world?  Cuz baby, sewers..that's MY PEEPS!

I know that locally, our Barnes and Noble carries Sew Hip as well as our JoAnn fabrics stores.  This will be the April issue, Issue 27, which should be out on newstands in a few weeks.  Of course, I'll be getting a stack of extra copies.  One for each of my kids for their memory boxes and one for my parents!

While trying to type up my little "toot my own horn" post - Sprout came in to snuggle.  She loves the photo booth app on the Macs.  Hence this cute pic.

If you follow me on Twitter, etc you may have heard me tweet about the tough road we are on with our Sprout.  She is experiencing some difficult medical issues currently and I probably don't want to say much more than that as it's very private and I'm maybe in a bit of denial.  All of the tests are not done so we are still waiting.  It has resulted in many sleepless nights and I'm trying to really focus hard on trusting that God has my back.  I can not change whatever it is but I can have faith that God will lead us.   I hired an office assistant this week to help with some of my daily tasks of running the business so that I could free my arms up for more of this cuddle time.  Immense amounts of cuddle time are now written into my daily schedule - I like it that way.

But Sprout may have also come into my office not just for a snuggle - it might have something to do with the candy jar I keep on my desk.

Who can resist Jolly Ranchers and dark chocolates?  Happy weekend all...



It's a mystery Nancy Drew!

Busily prepping for my sweet twins 10th Birthday party...our theme, a Nancy Drew Mystery Party!  The mystery of the "Sock Monkey Kidnapper" and the invitations have been sent!  Inside the invite, each guest found an envelope marked, EVIDENCE with the details inside.

I've been scouring the interwebs for party any suggestions?

I'll share all the details next week after the party!  Um, after I figure out exactly what we are doing!




Sweet Sprout's Hat

Some upcycled inspiration... I had found this gorgeous cashmere sweater at the local thrift store.   In about 45 minutes, I transformed into a cute little hat for my Sprout.

Here's what you'll need to make one too:

A sweater, either felted wool or decide.  Some of the stretchy cottons would not work well because they'll just look sloppy. Some knit fabric for embellishments.  Add some extra beads if you'd like too.

1)  Start by measuring just above the ears all the way around the wee ones head (circumference).  Next I measured from the top of her ears to the top of her head (height).  I took the circumference number minus 1 1/2" and the height - I cut a strip from my sweater the length of the circumference (circumference - 1 1/2") and the height.  You'll have a long band.

2)  Next, I cut a strip of my black knit fabric that was roughly 2" wide and twice the length of the circumference.  I made folds / pleats with the knit fabric and pinned this to the edge of  my sweater band (my sweater fabric was nice enough I was able to leave the edges raw.  You may need to serge the edges or hem it).  I sewed a stitch right down the center of my pleats to attach this knit pleated band embellishment to the hat.

3)  Then, with the gray knit fabric cut about 1/2" wide and roughly 42" long, I started to stitch my rolling roses embellishments.  To get this look, I stitched down the center of my knit, right down the center of the strip and pulling and turning to form the rose shapes, etc.  You just have to sew a few stitches, stop, turn, and continue turning and moving outward from the center out.

4)  With right sides together, stitch down the short side of your sweater band to form a tube and the main portion of the hat.  Looking at the open circle my tube created, I matched up that size with a small plate I had from my kitchen (serious.  Don't you make patterns with your kitchen ware?).  I used that plate as my template and cut a circle from the sweater fabric.  With right sides facing, I pinned the tube to the circle and sewed them together.  It's a bit tricky because you are constantly pulling and pushing as you are sewing in a circle.  But you can do it.

That's it...a cute little upcycled hat from a sweater.  My Sprout loves hats...she looks adorable in this hat!

Happy Sewing.



The Two Year Nursery {or 2 1/2...whatever}

When I had my twins, I had their nursery partially done before I was put on bedrest while pregnant.  Once they arrived, well, let's just say they were roughly 5 by the time I actually completed their bedroom.

So I'm feeling quite accomplished that in fact much of Sprout's room was done before she arrived.  I had a handful of things left to put up on walls and well, at age 2...2 1/2, they finally all found their way to their intended place.

Want to peek?  I'm super sentimental for sure when it comes to decorating.  I like to mix old and new together.  And I like to craft little special touches too.

Above, you can see, I made Sprouts crib sheets.  Her Great Grandma made the quilt on her rocking chair (out of whatever she had on hand which was usually old clothes).  And I made the little quilt on the floor.

When I was 16, I didn't ask for a car.  I asked for an antique dresser.  I grew up hanging with my parents every weekend in antique stores.  And I loved these dressers with the marble tops.  This, this was my 16th birthday present.  Wait a minute!  No, it's not actually.  The dresser I picked out and was "given", my Mother loves.  And I wasn't allowed to take it with me when I moved away from home.  So, she bought me this one to replace it.  I love it just as much Mom, thank you.  And now, it's serves as a beautiful dresser for Sprout.

On top of her dresser sits my little night light from when I was a child (the girl sitting atop of the mushrooms), a photo of her sisters, the Two Peas, when they were babies, a lamb pin I made for my husbands Grandmother, a tin measuring cup I keep her hair clips in, and a tea pot that my great grandmother (Sprouts great-great grandmother) loved and had in her home.

My Grandmother, Beatrice, stitched this needlepoint picture.  This was given to me long ago and I just had it stored away.  Until Sprout, and then I knew of the perfect spot for it in her room.  It reads, "To love and be loved is the greatest joy on earth". I adore this piece of work from my Grandma Bea.

The Irish Blessing, of course.  My Irish heritage is something I treasure deeply.  This blessing sat on a shelf in my sisters room for as long as can remember and long after she passed away at the age of 15.  This hangs in Sprouts room and I often read it to her.

I'm really not very good at decorating so this attempt at hanging a shelf and adding the bird decal - totally winging it!  A mix of old and new here, the letters of her name strung by a ribbon (hidden by the photo here - my hubs doesn't like me to share the kids names so I've "cleverly" hidden it, wink!).  You can see, I have a few of her baby photos in my frame and still a few more left to add...

A simple handmade valance made by me from some Waverly fabrics.  Want a tutorial?  It's seriously - a no brainer!  Really easy!

A salvaged piece of quilt my Mother framed for each of us kids.  My great grandmother made this gorgeous blue and white quilt but it has since detoriated greatly.  This was a great way to save a bit of it and preserve it.

And another spot of handmade by me.  A Pocket Full of Posies Banner - Sprout loves this!  You can find the pattern for it here.

So that's the tour.  The nursery that has been 2 1/2 years in the making.  Very simple.  Lots of sentimental items.  Old and new and handcrafted and BURSTING with love!

I'll leave ya with this bit of good cheer for a Monday - Gussy Sews has a big old fat giveaway day going on over on her blog.  Loads of fabulous things and you could win a big old fat shop credit to the Two Peas store over there.  Hop on over throughout the day as more get added all day long and have fun!



Barefoot Lake Handmade - part two

From a buyers perspective:: Yesterday, Laurie from Barefoot Lake Handmade shared her experience in getting started on etsy.  I found her via our Etsy Team Columbus group who had featured her shop.  That promotion caught my attention and I then purchased this.  I mean THIS!!!

I love it!  I mean, first, I seriously LOVE this fabric from Anna Maria Horner but also, it makes me so happy to iron because my ironing board is sporting such a pretty little dress now!

I wanted to share with you from the "buyer's perspective" what I loved about Laurie and why I thought it would be great to share for others who are just getting started at selling their crafts.  She did everything right when it comes to a sale.


I had a question for her about rushing my order.  She responded very quickly and I found out that the item I wanted was in stock and ready to ship.  She said she would get it out the next day (as the mail had already gone out that day) and send it priority.  I really appreciated the quick response.


When I opened my package, it was like somebody had just sent me a gift!  I got so excited!  I know I paid for it and all but wow, she took the time to wrap it so beautifully!  Check out the big fancy bow!   It really excited me about the purchase and immediately gave me this euphoric happy feeling about what I was about to open up.  (for you as a seller, for a consumer to get that feeling - that's a great thing!)

{the extras}

Laurie included a nice printed postcard with her contact info on it and the name of her shop.  See that cute little thing up there?  That big fabric dot also wrapped so pretty?  That's "the extras"...she included a little bonus of an adorable magnet from the fabric of the ironing board cover I had purchased.  Now I was even more excited because I got a little something extra and I just loved it.

{the hook}

On the back of the postcard, she left another note that invited me to come back to her shop to check out her magnet sale - and the little extra she sent me was a sample of that item.  Guess what I did the other day?  I went back to her shop to peek because I was excited to see what the magnet sale was and what she had new in the shop.

Laurie did everything right and went above and beyond when it comes to customer satisfaction.  She is a great example of how to build a brand loyalty to a seller.  I'll definately be back as a shopper!

What kinds of things do you do to entice your shoppers to become loyal fans of your products?



Barefoot Lake Handmade - Setting up Shop

{Welcome my guest Laurie from Barefoot Lake - to share her story about setting up a crafty business.  Do you have a story to share?  Email me! twopeasinapoddesigns at gmail dot com}

Where to begin???  That is a question I struggled with for a long time.  In the beginning of '09, I opened an etsy account with my shop name.  In December of '09, I made it a store account.  In November of '10, I FINALLY started listing items!

I was stalled on two fronts.  One, I felt like I needed to know everything about managing an on-line business - photography, blogs, etc, just to start one!  I was stagnated by the thought of not knowing something and making a mistake.  And two, I didn't know what I wanted to make!  Like many crafters, I have lots of interests!   I started keeping an idea notebook with all my creative thoughts and plans.  After almost a year, I decided a cool notebook wasn't doing me any good when I still had an empty shop.
I decided to focus on a few products.  How to choose?  It comes down to you just got to  pick something and go with it!!!  If it doesn't work, you can always change - after giving it an appropriate try.
I went with ironing board covers to start.  I had experience at them after making a few for myself and several for gifts.  It was a good, well thought out product since I had tweaked the pattern and found just the right materials to use (cording, stops,etc).  I enjoyed making them - who wouldn't love to use all those cool fabrics?  And it was a product that I thought would have a reasonable demand.  After all, just about every household owned at least one.
And I checked how many other ironing board covers were listed on etsy.  I also checked my costs and time vs. going sales price and felt it was a reasonable profit.  I hoped I would be able to sell them consistently and that would allow me to build a nice inventory of fabric choices without a big initial outlay of $$$.  I was a sales rep for 10 years before kids came along and it was all about the numbers:  commissions, profit margins, man hours. etc.  Some of that stuck with me, I guess!  If I was going to sew and not make any profit, I would sew for myself and friends and not sew to sell.  Personally, I think you need to approach it that way.
Then, I jumped in.  I didn't know everything but I'm learning as I go and I finally realized that's okay.  In just two months, I see improvements in my photography.  I have a blog address and I want to work on that soon.  Slow and steady is good!  The ironing board covers seem to be a good product choice. It takes time to build any shop. I always leave feedback for my customers and let them know that I did.  I'll also ask that they leave feedback for me.
It's slow at first.  Some buyers are more wary of shops with few sales and limited feedback.  Understandably so.  I have been burned once on etsy with non-delivery so I know how that feels.  As far as product selection, key fobs haven't been a good choice.  I thought it would be a great way to use up my extra fabric.  Currently, there are over 10,000 key fobs listed on etsy.  I guess I should have done the math on that one!  No problem - no permanent damage.  I haven't totally abandoned my cool, one of a kind, original ideas.  Hopefully, I'll settle in and be able to sprinkle those into my regular offerings to keep it interesting for myself and my shop visitors!   When you have steady sales and profits in one area, you can spend a little more time being creative on some other things.
I think it's also important to establish the pace that is appropriate for where you are in life right now and be okay with it.  I would love to try a show or two, but I'm really busy being cheerleader and chauffeur for the kids.  And lastly, just enjoy it!  It was really fun to know that on Christmas morning, someone in Hawaii got one of my ironing boards under their tree!

Thanks Laurie for sharing your story and shop advice.  To each of you, do you have any sage advice for new crafters wanting to set up shop?  Share them here in the comments!

Stop by tomorrow for part two...



What I Wore Wednesday

Lindsey at the Pleated Poppy started this series of posts awhile back and I was quickly sucked in.  The jist is each week she just posts photos of her outfits for the week.  And invites others to link in and do the same.  Can I say just how much I am addicted to this?  Love seeing all these cute outfits! Even on days I work from home, I really NEED to get up, shower, get dressed - just like I'm headed to go out.  It energizes me for sure.

I don't know if I'll keep this up {I know FOR SURE I won't be doing it this week - our family is dealing with some heavy personal medical issues and I'm laying low} but here's what I was able to muster from last week.

Go check out Lindseys site and look for all her What I Wore Wednesday posts!  You'll be inspired!

I am a SERIOUS bargain hunter and SERIOUS Ann Taylor LOFT fan.  I shop clearance only.  I own NOTHING from LOFT that cost more than $24 and 85% of what I own from there cost less than $20.  These pants I'm wearing here...$7.  Serious.  The long sleeve tee - $3.99.  The sweater - the WOOL sweater, $24.  My boots - $12.  I HATE spending a lot of money on clothes.  Can't do it.

These shoes rock!  They are ESPIRIT.  They were new with tags still on, never worn - found them at Goodwill for $1.99 (?) I think.  Maybe $2.99?  Anyway - I LOVE thrifting!

Love this new bag...(more on it later!).  Paid $5 for these shoes.  They are one of my favs!

That's it - 3 days.  That's all I got...



We have a winner!

What fabulous crafters who entered our Spring Challenge! Thank you Jenny Jo, Ms. Muffin, Ann and Sara for playing along and sharing your fabulous talents with all of us! Ann and her adorable "Seed Stand" was the winner!

Ann has won a $50 store credit to my shop...and to say thanks for participating, I'd like to send a free sewing pattern of your choice to each of the other fab entries.  {email me girls at twopeasinapoddesigns at gmail dot com with your pick and mailing address}

As the ice builds up, snow falls - Spring is going to be welcome change!



A Two Peas Spring Challenge

{the voting is now closed}

Are you up to the challenge?  Well, a few weeks ago I asked that question and a few of you said "YES!".

I just thought it would be a good idea to get our brains thinking towards sunshine, green grass, and blooming flowers after months of knee deep snow and slush that has covered most of the US.  Am I right?  Are you ready for Spring?!?

Here's the challenge::  Set a handmade Spring scene.  Anything.  Handmade.  Bright.  Cheery.  Fun.  Handmade.

YOU - the readers, get to choose the "Springy-est".  Now, I must warn you, they are all kinds of cute and thoughtful and wonderfully crafted.  It will be hard to pick just one but just one is all you can pick!

Leave a comment with your pick (please one vote per person).  The "Springy-est" will be rewarded with some bright and cheery two peas store credit in the amount of $50!  Woot! Woot!

Here they are:

#1) Jenny Jo

Jenny Jo of Nebraska submitted this lovely little number she just stitched up!  Her six year old daughter is loving her new Feliz dress designed by Studio Tantrum and made from the Pop Garden fabric collection by Heather Bailey.  She looks a wee bit cold out there Mom!  And absolutely adorable!

#2) Ann W

Looks like these American Girls are getting ready to start their gardens!

Ann W.  shares, "My daughter made the seed stand out of boxes covered with fabric.  She printed the little seed packets and I made most of the little bags.  When I read your post about a spring set up, I thought we could do something with our dolls.  I mentioned it to my daughter and we eventually came up with the seed stand idea."

Check out all the detail - and the seed signs!  And, what's this?  Cute farmers market totes?  Great job!  You can follow Ann on her blog Winters Edge Home.

#3) Ms. Muffin

Ms. Muffin shared, "I made this adorable apron skirt from a pattern from Little Lizard King for my daughter as a Christmas present. I think the colors look so lovely together and was so happy with how it turned out. And my daughter loved it, too. And she did love to be allowed to jump on her bed for the photo shoot, too." I think the photo below is the pre "Mom can I jump on the bed?" shot.  Fabulous! Connect with Ms. Muffin on her blog muffins n more .

#4) Sara U.

This rainbow brought to you by Sara U.

"Here's my little rainbow sitting in the clouds enjoying the rain with a splash of sunshine in her hair.  :) This dress was my own design.  It's a band of fabric like a choker that buttons around the neck, a fitted bodice that gathers at the "choker" on the front and back.  The skirt is bands of fabric sewn together in a tube and gathered at the top to attach to the bodice.  I took the lace at the bottom from a dress I had but didn't wear and added the ric-rac and flower for extra fun."

She's just looking like a perfect pot of gold!  Follow Sara on her blog The Pretty Pickle.
That's it gang!  Our 4 entries...tweet, facebook, blog away and encourage others to come see the challenge and vote for their favorite!  Best of luck - they are ALL FABULOUS!  Thank you so much for crafting away and making Spring seem a wee bit closer!
{Grab a button girls and add it to your blogs if you'd like! Here's the code to paste with it!
<a target=”_blank” href=””><br><br><img border=”0″ width=”125″ alt=”Two Peas in a Pod Homegrown Designs” src=””></a>

From trash to treasure

I am not ashamed to admit...I will stop the car on a dime, make my husband go back, come to a screeching halt...for a good trash find.  Is there a better way to furnish than reclaimed trash finds?  I think not! Over the summer, I got SUPER lucky in that a friend was moving and her trash - MY TREASURE!

Here's a lovely little chair I got that day.  Trash?  Look at those beautiful bones?  I couldn't wait to work on it...but a few other things were going on at the time and it has been sitting in my garage until last week.

I pulled her out.  Sanded her down.  Ripped that nasty seat down to the bare wood.  Then down in our basement, after the kids were gone and after I dropped Sprout at a sitters for the afternoon, I painted this little beauty.  I had been dreaming of a pretty little turquoise color or an apple green.  But with the seat fabric I chose, had to go with the apple green.  And I LOVE IT!


Used an old bed pillow I had (cuz I keep our old pillows...and make cute covers for them for our outdoor furniture).  I cut the bed pillow in half to get it to fit the seat (do you know how expensive foam is?  Yikes!  I say reuse - repurpose!!)  I used a gorgeous LOVE fabric from the Amy Butler collection to cover the seat.

Add to it a folding table from a discount store for $10, an old bed sheet I cut up and added ruffles to cover the table and viola!  A new little office desk space for me in my sewing room!

Are you a trash to treasure hunter too?





a little sewing room inspiration

I'm prepping this evening for my sewing class I'm teaching tomorrow.   I typically try to bring a little something for my students.  Candy and treats or a little sewing something or other.

And since I spent all day packaging sewing pattern orders during our snow day {oh yes, I think half the US had a snow day today, right? The two peas LOVE to bag patterns...I don't know why but I am thankful} I was feeling craft-deprived.  Haven't had my hands in any glue lately or threads on my clothes in days!

So, I crafted up these little jars for my girls coming to my class tomorrow.  You could fill them with buttons, hold your scissors, bobbins, tags...all kinds of things!

Wanna make one too for your sewing room?  Super's the 411.


  • glass jar
  • glue gun
  • ribbon
  • scrap fabric
  • small piece of batting
  • computer printer fabric (I'll explain more about this)
  • your computer and printer
  • cute tiny little clothes pins
  • seed beads

I found the computer printer fabric at my local JoAnn's.  Very simple to use.  Just load it into your printer like regular paper.  It has a paper back that you peel off after the ink dries.

I found the wreath design at The Graphics Fairy.  If you have never been to her site before...oh, are you in for a treat.  Fabulous graphics for you to use.  She's a REAL fairy...I love her.  I then typed the word sew and placed it in the center of the wreath design and then printed it on the fabric.

Once you have your image on the fabric, cut it out and set it aside.  Next, cut some scrap fabric a little bit larger than your image fabric.  Cut TWO (2) per jar - we are going to make these dimensional.

Use some stitch witchery or fusible something or other to fuse your image to one of the scrap fabric pieces.

Next, cut a disc of batting to fit in between the scrap fabric - one with the image on it and a piece for the back.  Make a sandwich.  Layer these up with the scrap fabric pieces wrong sides facing and the batting in the middle.

Now, stitch.  I started from the outer edge and went all the around in a spiral until I reached the center.

Next, use your hot glue gun and adorn the printed fabric with beads.  Hot glue the ribbon around the top of the jar.  Use your teeny tiny little bitty itsy bitsy clothes pins to clip your fabric to the ribbon and add a bit of glue here and there to be sure it all stays together.

How cute is this?  Wouldn't this be cute as a gift for a sewer and fill it up with fun bling bling buttons and and ribbons and other fun trims?  I'd love it!

If you make one - we'd love to see it!  Share it over on my Facebook page.

Don't forget!!!  Get crafting this weekend - you have until January 24th to submit your entry for my Spring Challenge.  Click on the icon to read more about - including the $50 shop credit you could win!!  



Life. Is. Good.

Life is what you make of it.  I truly believe that.  It's all about choices.  Following your passion.  Being true to your values.  Not being afraid to admit your mistakes.  Rising to the occasion.  Being faithful.  Offering and accepting forgiveness.  Having hope.  Trusting in a higher power.  Laughing out loud often.  Giving lots of hugs.  Celebrating friendships.  And successes. And with each passing year of my life, I learn these lessons a little more deeply.  Understand them more clearly.  Find peace in who God created me to be.  And not worrying about what I'm not.  Just loving what I am.

2011 is going to be an exciting year.  I'm finding my feet.  Enjoying the journey.  Celebrating the successes.  Small and all.

There are handful of exciting things that I have dreamed about for years.  Watching dreams come to reality is an amazing, amazing thing.  I'm so excited to share with you one of these exciting things coming on the horizon for our family.

I'm going to be working on a new show for PBS called It's Sew Easy. {insert joyous laughter and hugs here!}

In December, I went for a screen test and had so much fun!  I'm really looking forward to working with the crew and the other experts on the show.  I have NEVER done anything like this in my life - and it is SO much fun thinking about doing something new!  Meeting new people, finding new challenges, learning and sharing.

How cool is this?  YOU could be on the show!  BurdaStyle members can enter the competition to be chosen to do a guest spot on the show!  Go check it out and read all about how you can hook up with Burda and join in on the contest!

The show will be broadcast nationally across the US on PBS.  We begin taping in March and I'll have many more details to come with great links for the show and projects and more from It's Sew Easy. {eeeee!!! so excited!}



{a spring time challenge and reward}

Around these parts of the Midwest currently, the snow has melted for the moment and the grass is brown and it's cold.  It's kinda gray and we are missing our snowman and sledding.

And although I LOVE snow (I seriously LOVE LOVE LOVE snow!) and I'm anxious for more yet this mind is starting to drift towards Spring.  How about you?

So...let's think SPRING together!

Over on my Facebook page I asked for everyone to share some of what they had been crafting up for the holidays and it was really fun to see what some of you were stitching away.  I thought it might be fun to do the same thing here on the blog.

{Here's my Spring time challenge:  Set a spring scene.}

Fun little tea party scene.  Your living room with a new throw and pillows.  Your little one dolled up in a new outfit for her and her doll. Something colorful, fun, bright and SPRING like!  Use your own creations, use a decide.  But just make it something that shouts SPRING!  Really, the sky is the limit.  Just something that when we look at it makes you go, "Ahh, how sweet!" and makes you smile because it's just so darn, well, bright and cheery!

Then, once you have your fun bright spring creation all set up - take a photo and email it to me.  I'll post them all on my blog and let all of you vote on your favorites.  The winner will receive a $50 shop credit for Two Peas in a Pod Homegrown Designs.

Deadline to enter is January 24th and I'll post all of the entries up on January 26th.  I'll leave it up for one week for voting.  Sound like a fun challenge?  I hope so!  Can't wait to see what you come up with!  You all are awesome!

(And to help you out with a little inspiration - use the coupon code "springfling" in my etsy shop and receive 25% off any of my sewing patterns now through January 15th.  Funky, ruffly, button covered, applique pillows, quilts, bag, dresses, aprons, flower banners...lots of fun things for Spring - just to get you ready for Easter and all!)

Oh look!  A cute little button you can grab if you're playing along!  (I'll fix the url to the post with all of your entries later...I'll post a new code so you can adjust.) But for now, try this:

<a target="_blank" href=""><br><br><img border="0" width="125" alt="Two Peas in a Pod Homegrown Designs" src=""></a>

Have fun!



{a quilt is nice}

Recovered from the holiday?  I'm still working on it...truth be told, I got pneumonia and a respiratory infection 3 days before Christmas and I'm still not quite back on my feet.  Kind of a bummer - when Mom is sick, Christmas just doesn't quite go as planned. But I'm thankful, I am getting well.

My kids are happy.

Their bellies are full with...well, whatever my husband conjured up.  (He tried to make my famous chicken tortilla soup - bless him.  I'm still the soup king...)

And one of my peas has been amazing.  Who knew she could do dishes?  Change Sprout's diaper?  And keep the house running while the Gardener has been at work.  I'm very proud of her and very thankful because she really allowed me to rest and lay down when breathing...air...of any sort, was a real challenge.

Christmas is a gift that no illness can take away.  It didn't really matter that I couldn't cook like I normally do or other things we didn't get to.  What we did do was just be together and quietly celebrate the birth of Jesus.  So, in that essence, our holiday was simply awesome.

I wanted to share with you what arrived in my mailbox just before the holiday - a quilt.  Nettie, who blogs at A Quilt is Nice made the sweetest little baby quilt for Modern Relief.  This year, a whole host of quilters got together and donated some amazing pieces of art to a raffle where the proceeds go to World Vision, an organization working to end hunger.  Over $5000 was raised to this effort and I was so shocked that I had won Nettie's quilt!  (I NEVER win anything!)

I'm probably not explaining myself very well as my head is not all that clear - you can go read about it on Nettie's blog.  

Nettie's workmanship is beautiful...this quilt is absolutely precious.  I don't even know how she made it.  The blocks are all wonky sized and it's so adorable.  Truly, a work of art.

Well, this quilt wasn't in my hands for very long.  My two peas who have some mild "challenges" had a favorite teacher last year that we love and treasure.  She made a significant difference in their lives through not only her example of how she taught, ran the classroom and lives her life, but she also helped us to find a new pathway for my girls "challenges".  She reminds me of Ms. Frizzle from the Magic School Bus books.  She's just that kind of teacher.  She saved my girls, she made them feel like they could do anything.  And she's probably the first teacher that made them believe in themselves.

This special teacher, she is expecting.  A baby boy.  Coming this Spring.

I knew that as special as this quilt is - that I wanted to share it with this very special person.  I told her the story about Nettie and the raffle and the Modern Relief efforts and how the quilt was just passing through my hands to the intended recipient.  And it made her cry.  She absolutely loved the quilt and she's even thinking about decorating the nursery around some of the prints in the quilt.  I knew as soon as I saw this quilt that it really wasn't mine...because a new baby boy is going to be wrapped in this very soon.




Santa Claus is coming to town...

We are all getting just a little bit excited about the big day.  You know the one... Santa arrives in our town with an escort by our fire trucks and the high school marching band.  There are horse drawn carriage rides, a craft bazaar, a gingerbread house contest and ice sculptures.  It's very Norman Rockwell-ish and I love it.

Just about the time Santa was arriving to the park in town to meet with all the children, Sprout caught a glimpse of the old guy.  She began to yell.  Loudly.  And wave her arms around to get his attention.


All day long in fact, she had been saying, she wanted to see Jesus and how she just couldn't wait until she got to meet Jesus and I thought, man!  You're freaking me out kid!  Why are you saying that?  I began wondering if she had a death wish or something.

Um, yeah.  So as we are standing there, waiting for SANTA...I realize, she's calling Santa - Jesus.  This girl thinks the fat guy in the red suit is Jesus???  Oh no.

I mean it's an honest mistake.  We talk all about Jesus, how it's his birthday, etc and then we have stuffed Santa Clauses all over the house.  Clearly, need a few more pictures of Jesus.  She is now throughly confused because now when I ask her, "Who's this?" pointing to Santa...she just says, "that guy".

She told him for Christmas, she wants a sucker.  His reply, "Is that all?".  She answered, "No, I want 3 suckers."  Oh, I can not wait to see her face when she opens up her gifts on Christmas morning and sees the bag of 300 dum-dum suckers I bought her!  She is gonna lose it!  She's a keeper that Sprout.  (She's stylin her little scarflette here...cute huh?  And yes, that's my arm in there and yes, I know.  We have matching coats.  Cheesy.  Whatever.)

Santa has brought a little something for you too.  A few giveaway winners.

From  this post, I promised to share some of Elizabeths beautiful Red Rose Farm fabrics in way of precut pieces to make the scarflette...

Jansie...the kit is all yours.  Email me your information!

Now, the Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway.  We have 3 fabulous prizes...

First, a $20 shop credit to Above All Fabric and your choice of one of my patterns...goes to Rebekah, "I would get some AH Starling of my favorite prints ever."

Next, a set of 3 of my patterns, your choice...Nellana!

And finally, a patchwork wristlet handmade by me!  That winner is...Gaby!

"I have subscribed to your blog.  Your opening comment made me smile Oprah is currently in Australia and all I have been seeing today is comments about Oprah."

So all you winners - send me your information.  I can't promise I'll get this all out to you before Christmas but next week, for sure!  Tomorrow is my last shipping day this week and then we are full on with the festivities...cookie baking, gift wrapping, movie watching and roasting marshmallows by the fire and all that other fun holiday stuff.

For everyone who did stop by and enter the giveaways, thank you so much.  I hope you'll continue to come back and join in on the conversation from time to time.

I feel very blessed to have this space to connect with other crafters - thank you for reading.  I wish you and your family, a very happy HAPPY holiday!  Eat too much, laugh until you cry, hug everyone in sight and be happy and live well.  Life is good.

God bless you...





Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day!

It's kinda like the "Oprah's Favorite Things" show of the sewing world, right?  Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day happens twice a year and boasts loads of incredible bloggers and shops giving away a virtual LOAD of amazing handcrafted art and supplies.  If you are hopping here from Sew, Mama, Sew...welcome to my corner of the world.

My name is Trish and I'm the designer and owner of Two Peas in a Pod Homegrown Designs.  {that's me, my two peas - my twins, and my sprout} I design sewing patterns and I, probably much like you, am addicted to crafting.  You can read more about my story here or about my recent adventures in launching my business at Quilt Market here and here.  2011 is going to be an exciting year for our business with many new things to come.  I hope you'll stick around now that you've found us and take the journey with me and my family.

Let's get to the goods, shall we?!  I have 3 wonderful prize packages for you and our International friends are welcome to join in.

First, I've had the distinct pleasure of teaming up with Melanie from Above All Fabric.  Melanie is an amazing seamstress with a fabulous online fabric shop.  It's like having a friend down the street own a fabric store - she is super friendly and approachable, great service and offers fantastic products.  Melanie is offering one of you a $20 shop credit to her fabric store and along with your choice of one of my sewing patterns.  Awesome!

Second prize, I'm offering one reader your choice of 3 my sewing patterns.  Awesome again, right?

And finally, a third prize, I'm offering a handmade goodie.  One of my patchwork wristlets.

Here's how to enter:

  1. Subscribe to my blog.  Leave a comment that you have done so.
  2. Become a fan of Above All Fabric on Facebook.
  3. Become a fan of Two Peas in a Pod Homegrown Designs on Facebook.
  4. Visit Above All Fabric and tell me how you would like to spend your $20 shop credit if you win.

4 chances to win!  Sweet!  And more sweetness, until December 20th, use the coupon code {sweettreat} and receive 20% off my in stock sewing patterns in my shop.

Thanks for stopping by and have fun on your Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day hop!



{The 12 Days of Christmas}

I heart Where Women Create.  They are super wonderful people that Jo and Paige!  Right now, they have the {the 12 Days of Christmas} giveaways going and they are spectacular!  You might even find a little something from yours will NOT regret visiting over there.  Go ahead.  Go now.  I'll wait.  Then you can come back and finish reading this post.  Go on on the photo below.

Oh good!  You DID come back!

Well, contrary to popular belief, not everyone IS a winner.  I mean, there are a lot of great prizes going on over there at WWC but not everybody is gonna win.  To offer a little something sweet for everybody who is still crafting and working on gifts for yourself of course, or others - enjoy some Two Peas inspiration and 20% off my sewing patterns in my etsy shop until December 20th.  Just enter the coupon code {sweettreat}.

And until December 9th, you can still enter my giveaway for the scarflette kit from this post. While writing that post, it made me reflect back a year ago when I was first making my patchwork scarves.  I loved rereading that post.  I thought you might too.  It just felt good to remind myself.  Here's is an edited version from January 2010:

Funny thing this whole faith thing, isn’t it?  I mean, for those of you that believe in a higher power, whatever it may be, do you ever get those moments when you just go…”Ohh, freaky?!”.


And by that I mean, a message just seems to totally stick in your head and motivate you?

I thought that for Monday, I would blog about how cold it’s been, how I just can’t seem to warm up and how I made myself this scarf.

And I started to plot out a few quick instructions I would share on the scarf so you could make one too.  Plotting as I woke this morning and got everyone up and going.  And then, as we always do, we headed off for church.

I totally love our worship service.  I grew up in a very traditional church where our service was the same most Sundays.  And my current church still offers that however, we opt to go to the contemporary service.  For one, my kids are in sunday school and so this is the service we can go to after their class.  Second, our dear close friends happen to be the worship band leaders.  And they totally rock.

And this Sunday, there were little video snippets that played before church began.  No music.  Just text. Asking if we were really “here”.  What were we “hoping for”?  Hoping the service didn’t go long?  Hoping to go home soon to eat lunch?  Hoping to sit back and just observe?  It was honest and uncomfortable.

Every Sunday, it’s like this.  Something that stops you and grabs your attention and brings you for a moment into clear focus about why – just WHY we are sitting there in church.

And every Sunday, it’s the same.  I’m hoping to get out of there soon.  Hoping the baby will sit still enough for me to grasp part of the sermon.  Hoping to go get a coke soon and hoping to get home and sew in the afternoon.  So much to do before the week starts.

And every Sunday, most Sundays, it’s something like that first message – am I REALLY HERE - that makes everything around me disappear, makes my eyes focus on the cross, brings tears to my eyes and makes me remember what has been given to ME so I can have children, lunch, a sewing machine, a big glass of coke…a life.

Much of today’s sermon was focused on doing what we’ve been asked and doing it when we are too comfortable.

Too comfortable in our chairs to get up and share a message with someone who really needs it today.

Too comfortable to not just write a check for money but to go out and give of our time.

Getting uncomfortable.  Doing things that are hard.  Doing things we’d probably rather not do but then again, hey, I’m pretty sure Jesus wasn’t very “comfortable” dying on the cross but He did it anyway…for me, for you – for all of us.  And asks us to just do one little thing.  Tell others about Him.

Google this.  Jeremiah 1:4-10.

And it’s not comfortable for me to do that.  Because people come here from all over the place and from lots of different perspectives.  Different religions.  Or no religion at all.  Everybody has a journey that led them to where they are.  And this is mine and I’m doing what I feel that I’m called to do.  I hope you’ll allow me to do that now and again with you and I’d love for you to do that with me as well, with all of us.

Sharing faith can be very hard.  Uncomfortable.  Is this really the right forum?  Should I talk about this here?

Of course I should.  Of course you should.  Of course this is the right forum.

Which is why I thought when I wanted to write about how cold I’ve been – how I can’t seem to get warm lately because of our freezing temperatures – how “uncomfortable” I’ve been in my sewing room (I even talked about this at my sewing class last Friday!) – that today’s message and my message – seemed to have a purpose.  Right?

