{the very versatile tie tote}

Trish Thanks so much for this class/pattern! I finished my bag today! I have to confess, I am something of a "bag addict", and this is one of the fastest, easiest patterns I have found, your instructions were so easy to follow. I loved the videos, I could almost make the bag just by watching the videos alone! Thanks so much! I've aattached a picture of my bag!


I have had such a nice response to the Tie Tote e-class...and I'm excited to tell you that we have another that will be ready very soon!  The next class will be the very popular Hazel Hipster!  Jenny, a very nice reader sent the picture of her finished Tie Tote that she made recently...I especially love the kitty lounging on the back of the couch!  What a great color combo for Spring!

What are you sewing up lately?  I'm opening up a link list so you can share what projects you are working...I'd love to see!