I know! Right...so these girls came to my sewing class and went TOTALLY WILD!!!
Nah! Just teasing...but there is a good story behind this photo. See...last month we had a fun little Two Peas Sewing Bee that was making basic pillowcase dresses with a few tiny Two Peas tweaks. One of the girls made a dress that was size 10. Well...see here...she's holding it up. See?!
Doesn't it look like it would fit a grown woman? Well...that's what we all thought too! So we totally convinced her to try it on and told her it would be so cute on HER! Um, yeah, so size 10...not so much converting to a full grown womens size. And thus...she kinda got stuck. This is how we ended up with our "Girls Gone Wild" version photo from our Sewing Bee up there. (mind you these are all iphone photos - excuse the quality - I edited them as best I could)
Well, we DID have a good time at the sewing bee and commented about how "cool" we all were for spending our Friday night out with the girls...sewing. Because sewing is...so cool.
I mean it's totally, the hip thing to do these days. All the cool kids are doing it. Wanna try?
Well, here's your chance. We have another sewing bee class coming up on Friday, July 23rd at 6pm. We will be making the Patsy Ann Apron top and a matching doll apron to go with it. Registration and fee info can be found here.
Now, I have to leave you with these images because they will melt your heart. One of the Moms left before we did our group shots but she sent me these of her darling modeling her finished dress we made in class that night. Seriously! Could you eat her with a spoon or what?!
Do you LOVE the matching hair bows? Me too! She has a Facebook fan page for her bows now...you have to see all her cute little creations she's made.
If you wanna try out a basic pillowcase dress...just ask. I do have a PDF version of my basic pattern that are available (for a small fee...I know, what?! Not free? My husband is gonna make me stop all this crazy sewing stuff if I don't start showing something for the oodles and oodles of time I spend doing it!) Really, $3 you get a nice full color PDF pattern with all my hints for making a basic single panel dress. Not the ribbon in the casing kind...I have a different twist to it.
(...and I promise to add more freebies soon....there's a few over there. No, to the left sidebar, under tutorials. Even a nice purse pattern!)
Come sew with us if you can or if you can't sew "with" us...sew along and share your projects over on my Flickr page! Did I mention there might be a "sale" going on with one of my patterns currently? And maybe a giveaway or something like that...hint! hint! (you. might. want. to. look. at. my. Facebook. fan. page. I'm just sayin'...you might...)
Happy Summer Sewing,