Please bare your soles...

School is ending.  So much going on at the end of the school year.  And our dear friend who is sick with cancer - we've been doing our best to keep him well and tend to his affairs. As we enter into this holiday weekend, and we are preparing for guests - I decided I'd tear down that ugly handwritten sign I have at my front door.

See, I'm a bit of germ freak.  But that's for another day...there's much to it.  Suffice it to say, I don't like people to wear their shoes in my house.  I saw somewhere that if you have carpet and wear your shoes in the house - then your carpet is full of garbage.  Yuck.  Serious yuck.  Especially with a baby crawling around and kids who are always on the floor.

So I made up a new sign for my door.  Do you have this same germ freakish kind of thing with your house?  If you do...let me share.  Of course, feel free to plug in a photo of your own kids feet but these are my peas.  Framed it and hung at the door this evening.  Not an original idea of my own...long ago I saw someone had the phrase "bare your soles" and I find it to perfectly suit us.  Feel free to print a copy for your own front door.

Happy holiday weekend...

