I know I said THIS would be the week for 2 Sew It Up Sunday posts but I SO don't get much done with baby anymore.  Miss Sprout...at almost 2 years old really keeps me on the move.  Very hard to get much done with so much cuddling and exploring... And did I mention she climbs furniture?  Choked on a carrot last week?  Climbed out of her crib?  She's growing for sure and my time to "craft" or blog has just disappeared.

So late at night, I've been working on getting a few orders out and some things out for product review and giveaways.  Just a couple of sales a week is such a blessing for our family.  Our jobs are wonderful - satisfying and I believe, both the gardener and I help people in one way or another.  But my Two Peas business really helps our growing grocery bill and so thank you if one of these orders is yours...

Oh, there's even more.  But thanks for being patient with me...I love to design and make but selling helps pay the bills so in order to keep doing what I love it's necessary for me to keep the etsy shop filled and interesting.

I am so grateful for your support of my craft and my dream.  And as I type...I hear the baby flipping her crib music thingy over the rail and hitting the wall.  Eegads!

To wrap up...THANKS for your sales, THANKS for reading here, THANKS for sharing what you do with me so I can learn from you (have you shared any of your projects from my Sew Hip Pocket Full of Posies series over on my Flickr page?  Find my projects in Issues 14, 15, 16 and 17).

I'll keep trying if you'll keep hangin' with me!  Gotta go investigate the banging!

