{The season has begun.}
About a week ago, the husband started getting the soil ready for planting. He read up on the new veggies he was going to plant. Thought about our little vegetarian we are feeding currently - the baby and has begun the process of providing loads of organics for our family.
Carrots, potatoes, beets, onions, and more and of course PEAS. My girls never even let me cook them...the sugar snaps get eaten raw mostly. A lot of times, we pack them as a snack to take to the pool with us - they are great but I like them best when the gardner steams them and then slathers them in butter. Wow...heaven!
I love that our girls know where their food comes from. The gardener is also a hunter and grilled out deer tenderloin the other night. The twins were panting waiting for that to come off the grill and loved that they were eating something that Daddy brought home. As he said, it doesn't get more organic than that and I suppose he is right. Our freezer is full from his deer hunts this fall and we are thankful for that.
But I love this time of year. It starts to get warm.
Each warm day when you get to open the windows for a bit - don't you feel like you are in a laundry commercial or something? You just take a deep breath and listen to the kids running around playing. I love it. Soon it will be full on migration and if you are birder you know what I'm talking about. Warblers! I can sit in my own backyard and see tons of warblers drop down in our trees on their journey.
This year, I will definately be out more with the baby. Some of my old birding friends are not able to get out and walk like they used to but maybe we can at least do a trip up to Magee Marsh.
What's that? OK...again, if you bird, you know, this place has a little amazing boardwalk on the shoreline of the lake where ALL the birds drop before making the trip on across. You can see EVERYTHING within arms reach. Amazing colors, variety, and close views. If you are looking for something fun to do this Spring, this is it! Truly, they are always tons of families there and really, we don't even need binoculars because everything is right there. Check out their website - you'll find out they have different fun events all Spring long. What a great way to introduce your kids to some fun science concepts like migration. You will NOT be disappointed by this place but beware...when it hits peak migration - the place is as packed as Disney World and there are people there from all over the US just to watch the birds. It's pretty darn cool.
And with Spring, comes lots of new babies. Which by the way - has anyone else noticed all the new babies around?! Wow! If I were just to go by my sales lately - I'd say last summer when gas prices were so high - there were a whole lot of people spending time at home and well, as a result, gas hike baby boom!
Bibs, bibs, bibs! One of the teachers at my girls school asked about buying some bibs and I want to thank her for buying a few. A few other teachers bought some things too which was fun to work with them on some designs for school bags and the like. So - I have some new bibs in stock that I hope you might like as well. I'll have them loaded on etsy soon or you can email me if you are interested. Just $12 each, fully reversible bib with a snap neck. Can't beat the cuteness of it! Here's a peek a at one of them...
And since the garden has been planted, I've been thinking about all the creatures that visit our garden. So, some new patterns coming along are "garden critters" that your girls and especially your boys will love! My girls have already put dibs out on the design samples. Trust me, super cute, super easy to sew!
I can't wait to get these patterns all out. Super easy patterns for beginner sewers. Purses, kids stuff - you'll love them. All projects you can complete in under 3 hours. Don't sew? START! Just get a machine - and start by making something really simple to learn how to use your machine. You will love being able to handcraft gifts and make things for your family and I promise you, EVERYONE CAN SEW. Really! You can!
A sunny Spring day just makes me happy and want to give things away! So send me your comments or email me. We will randomly choose one and send you a NEW BAG for Spring! A hipster in a great fresh Spring home dec fabric by Amy Butler. Isn't this pretty?! We will take comments up to the end of March and send out your new bag the first week in April. I love giveaways!
So get outside, go enjoy the birds, the flowers beginning to come up and take a hike!
:>) xo Trish